Small bug in

It looks like there is a small bug in ray/ at master · ray-project/ray · GitHub.
One can pass max_calls as an argument to the decorator of the remote function like so:

@ray.remote(num_gpus=1, max_calls=1)
def func():

But it looks like we cannot pass max_calls in an options call to func() even though the documentation specifically gives examples of such a call. This throws an error:

def func():
g = func.options(num_gpus=1, max_calls=1).remote()

Error: unexpected argument max_calls to options.

I have been using ray 1.5.0. I do have a workaround but I thought I would bring this bug to the attention of the developers. Workaround:

def func():
g = func.options(num_gpus=1, kwargs={'max_calls': 1}).remote()

cc @Alex This seems to be a bug to me. Or is there any reasoning behind that this is not configurable at options?