No details in Object Store Memory

How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?

  • High: It blocks me to complete my task.


The plot on the “Object Store Memory” in the dashboard (using Grafana and in Ray’s dashboard) doesn’t provide the separation for IN_MEMORY, UNSEALED, SPILLED, MAX. It has instead only VALUE and MAX. However I see the separation in e.g. Scheduler Task State (where I can see SUBMITED_TO_WORKER, RUNNING …)

ray 2.2.0
Python 3.8.16

I am able to see the location of the object store memory in ray dashboard (ray 2.2)…

Do you have a repro you could share that leads to the screenshot you have?
Could you also take a screenshot of this metric in ray dashboard UI? (I believe the one you showed here is from grafana)

Hi, thanks for the reply. I got the same image on the ray dashboard.
Let me give you some more details:

  • I run it on Mac (I checked on both Inter and M1 version, the problem exist on both)
  • I installed grafana and prometheus via brew and overwrote the configs using the files generated by ray in /tmp/ray/latest_session/ (I shortened the refresh rates for the example below, but that shouldn’t matter)
  • I have ray[default] installed.

Here is a short code that reproduces the issue:

import ray
import numpy as np
import time

def f1(a):
    return a

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sth_in_memory_id = ray.put(np.ones((1_000_000, 1)))
    f1_id = f1.remote(np.zeros((1_000_000, 1)))
    f1_res = ray.get(f1_id)
    input("Type enter when done")

Let me know if I can upload any logs that might help (and where to find them).

cc: @sangcho @rickyyx @aguo for ideas

Hey @adam could you copy paste the grafana query of this chart? If you go to the grafana dashboard and click on editing the tab specifically?

1 Like

Hi, I don’t think I can open the dashboard in edit mode. But I can download the dashboard.
I cannot enclose a json file. I’ll paste it in the next messages.

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“yaxis”: {
“align”: false
“aliasColors”: {},
“bars”: false,
“dashLength”: 10,
“dashes”: false,
“datasource”: {
“type”: “prometheus”,
“uid”: “${DS_PROMETHEUS}”
“description”: “”,
“fill”: 10,
“fillGradient”: 0,
“gridPos”: {
“h”: 8,
“w”: 12,
“x”: 0,
“y”: 32
“hiddenSeries”: false,
“id”: 2,
“legend”: {
“alignAsTable”: true,
“avg”: false,
“current”: true,
“hideEmpty”: false,
“hideZero”: true,
“max”: false,
“min”: false,
“rightSide”: false,
“show”: true,
“sort”: “current”,
“sortDesc”: true,
“total”: false,
“values”: true
“lines”: true,
“linewidth”: 1,
“nullPointMode”: “null”,
“options”: {
“alertThreshold”: true
“percentage”: false,
“pluginVersion”: “7.5.17”,
“pointradius”: 2,
“points”: false,
“renderer”: “flot”,
“seriesOverrides”: [
“$$hashKey”: “object:2987”,
“alias”: “MAX”,
“color”: “#1F60C4”,
“dashes”: true,
“fill”: 0,
“stack”: false
“$$hashKey”: “object:78”,
“hiddenSeries”: true

Awesome, that will work.

Basically I just wanna make sure the query is correct.

Also, could you share your prometheus and grafana versions so we could repro as well? Thanks.

The messages with the dashboards were classified as spam. I’m sending a github’s gist of the Store Memory dashboard ray-dashboard-debug-Object Store Memory · GitHub

  • grafana 9.3.2
  • prometheus 2.41.0
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Thanks @adam - will compare it with the config I have at my end ASAP - sorry for the delay.

Sorry for the delay.

I believe the issue was this in the config you pasted:

Could you try editing the query explicitly like this :