How to set RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0

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Very new to Ray, and I’m been very impressed but I am having some trouble setting a variable referenced in the docs. I am using Ray Tune to build a PyTorch model (similar to this tutorial). I am receiving the “Ray deduplicates logs by default…” message after it deduplicated a few of my print statements. The docs say that I can stop the deduplication by setting RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 but I am not sure which object controls this or how to access it. When I google that variable name I can only find two references; the aforementioned doc and an unrelated GitHub query.

Any help would be very appreciated, thanks!

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Hi @ReuvenB

I suffer from the same issue as I’m trying to inspect the seedings of my custom env when running on single machine as well as on a cluster. The goal is that each env has its own specific seed. I have tried starting the local cluster (in this case only one node, i.e. the head) like this:

env RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 ray start --head

and/or this:

os.environ["RAY_DEDUP_LOGS"] = "0"

in the python file prior to ray.init()

None of the combinations seems to work.




@ericl is there anything special for these environment variables?

I have managed to disable this feature by setting os.environ["RAY_DEDUP_LOGS"] = "0" before ray.init. @Jorgen_Svane can you share your script? I can reproduce on my end.

Hi @cade

Sorry for my late reply.

I’ve just been running the code below:

import os
import numpy as np
import gymnasium
from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete, Box
from gymnasium.wrappers import ResizeObservation
import ray
from ray.tune.registry import register_env
import ray.rllib.algorithms.impala as impala
from ray.tune.logger import pretty_print

config = {
        "observation_space": Box(
            shape=(72, 128, 3),
        "action_space": Discrete(5),
        "p_terminated": 1e-4, # to prevent early termination - decrease if needed
        # "sleeping":1.0 # to mimic slow env - increase if needed

def env_creator(env_config):
    kwargs = {}
    env = gymnasium.make('my_random:my_random/MyRandomEnv-v0',config=env_config,**kwargs)
    env = ResizeObservation(env, 84)
    env = gymnasium.wrappers.FrameStack(env, 4)
    return env

os.environ["RAY_DEDUP_LOGS"] = "0"


register_env("myrandomenv", env_creator)

algo = (
        lr_schedule=[[0, 5e-4],[200e6, 0.0]],
        train_batch_size=600, #1200,
        entropy_coeff_schedule=[[0, 5e-3],[100e6, 1e-3],[200e6, 5e-5]],
    .framework(framework="tf2", eager_tracing=True)
              num_rollout_workers=6, # 6 for single machine
    .fault_tolerance(recreate_failed_workers=True, restart_failed_sub_environments=True)

for i in range(10):
    result = algo.train()

    if i % 5 == 0:
        checkpoint_dir ="./ray_30_test")
        print(f"Checkpoint saved in directory {checkpoint_dir}")

Using the environment found here.

And I get this output:

2023-05-25 10:02:12,852	INFO -- Started a local Ray instance. View the dashboard at 
2023-05-25 10:02:13,333	INFO -- Executing eagerly (framework='tf2'), with eager_tracing=True. For production workloads, make sure to set eager_tracing=True  in order to match the speed of tf-static-graph (framework='tf'). For debugging purposes, `eager_tracing=False` is the best choice.
2023-05-25 10:02:13,340	INFO -- Current log_level is WARN. For more information, set 'log_level': 'INFO' / 'DEBUG' or use the -v and -vv flags.
(RolloutWorker pid=42162) ###################################
(RolloutWorker pid=42162) Seeding succeded using env_config
(RolloutWorker pid=42162) ###################################
(RolloutWorker pid=42162) I'm now being reset by a worker
(RolloutWorker pid=42162) I'm now being reset by a worker
(RolloutWorker pid=42162) /home/novelty/miniconda3/envs/ray240/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gymnasium/spaces/ UserWarning: WARN: Casting input x to numpy array.
(RolloutWorker pid=42162)   gym.logger.warn("Casting input x to numpy array.")
(_RemoteSingleAgentEnv pid=43065) ################################### [repeated 58x across cluster] (Ray deduplicates logs by default. Set RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 to disable log deduplication, or see for more options.)
(_RemoteSingleAgentEnv pid=43065) Seeding succeded using env_config [repeated 29x across cluster]
(_RemoteSingleAgentEnv pid=42950) I'm now being reset by a worker [repeated 83x across cluster]
(_RemoteSingleAgentEnv pid=43041) I'm now being reset by a worker [repeated 3x across cluster]
agent_timesteps_total: 7200
  StateBufferConnector_ms: 0.011156002680460611
  ViewRequirementAgentConnector_ms: 0.2080609401067098
  num_agent_steps_sampled: 7200
  num_agent_steps_trained: 7200
  num_env_steps_sampled: 7200
  num_env_steps_trained: 7200
  num_samples_added_to_queue: 7200
  num_training_step_calls_since_last_synch_worker_weights: 1171
  num_weight_broadcasts: 13

I’ve also tried setting

env RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 ray start --head 

which doesn’t fix it either.



Experiencing the same issue with output from Ray Workflow tasks.

None of the following works for me:

  • setting ENV variable before calling ray.init()
  • setting ENV variable as runtime_env parameter of ray.init()
  • setting ENV variable using RuntimeEnv from ray.runtime _env

Is there a solution for this issue? It is making debugging challenging for us due to missing (similar but not same) logs.

The simplest way to be sure is to set it systemwide. This means:

  1. export RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 prior to “ray start”, if using a multi-node cluster.
  2. export RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 prior to running your Ray script.
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I was also having issues setting the env variable. What fixed it for me, was setting the env variable before importing ray.

os.environ[“RAY_DEDUP_LOGS”] = “0”
import ray


@rsanchezc-pg This was the only way to get it to work for me as well, thanks!

This works, thanks. Can you please explain why it should be done like this?

no doubt there is a bug in some code that causes these issues.

Because RAY_DEDUP_LOGS is a global variable in, if you import ray, the python interpreter will be import and load RAY_DEDUP_LOGS variable, when obtaining this variable in the future, it will always be the current value. Unless you set the env before import ray.