DQN training crashing with "assert priority > 0" - what does this mean?

All - I am having a DQN trainer crash upon training for a custom environment. My trainer config (sans env_config details) is as follows:

DEFAULT_CONFIG = with_common_config({
    # === Model ===
    # Number of atoms for representing the distribution of return. When
    # this is greater than 1, distributional Q-learning is used.
    # the discrete supports are bounded by v_min and v_max
    "num_atoms": 1,
    "v_min": -10.0,
    "v_max": 10.0,
    # Whether to use noisy network
    "noisy": False,
    # control the initial value of noisy nets
    "sigma0": 0.5,
    # Whether to use dueling dqn
    "dueling": False, # was true
    # Dense-layer setup for each the advantage branch and the value branch
    # in a dueling architecture.
    "hiddens": [256, 256],
    # Whether to use double dqn
    "double_q": True,
    # N-step Q learning
    "n_step": 1,

    # === Exploration Settings ===
    "exploration_config": {
        # The Exploration class to use.
        "type": "EpsilonGreedy",
        # Config for the Exploration class' constructor:
        "initial_epsilon": 1.0,
        "final_epsilon": 0.02,
        "epsilon_timesteps": 10000,  # Timesteps over which to anneal epsilon.

        # For soft_q, use:
        # "exploration_config" = {
        #   "type": "SoftQ"
        #   "temperature": [float, e.g. 1.0]
        # }
    # Switch to greedy actions in evaluation workers.
    "evaluation_config": {
        "explore": False,

    # Minimum env steps to optimize for per train call. This value does
    # not affect learning, only the length of iterations.
    "timesteps_per_iteration": 1000,
    # Update the target network every `target_network_update_freq` steps.
    "target_network_update_freq": 500,
    # === Replay buffer ===
    # Size of the replay buffer. Note that if async_updates is set, then
    # each worker will have a replay buffer of this size.
    "buffer_size": 50000,
    # The number of contiguous environment steps to replay at once. This may
    # be set to greater than 1 to support recurrent models.
    "replay_sequence_length": 1,
    # If True prioritized replay buffer will be used.
    "prioritized_replay": True,
    # Alpha parameter for prioritized replay buffer.
    "prioritized_replay_alpha": 0.6,
    # Beta parameter for sampling from prioritized replay buffer.
    "prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4,
    # Final value of beta (by default, we use constant beta=0.4).
    "final_prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4,
    # Time steps over which the beta parameter is annealed.
    "prioritized_replay_beta_annealing_timesteps": 20000,
    # Epsilon to add to the TD errors when updating priorities.
    "prioritized_replay_eps": 1e-6,

    # Whether to LZ4 compress observations
    "compress_observations": False,
    # Callback to run before learning on a multi-agent batch of experiences.
    "before_learn_on_batch": None,

    # The intensity with which to update the model (vs collecting samples from
    # the env). If None, uses the "natural" value of:
    # `train_batch_size` / (`rollout_fragment_length` x `num_workers` x
    # `num_envs_per_worker`).
    # If provided, will make sure that the ratio between ts inserted into and
    # sampled from the buffer matches the given value.
    # Example:
    #   training_intensity=1000.0
    #   train_batch_size=250 rollout_fragment_length=1
    #   num_workers=1 (or 0) num_envs_per_worker=1
    #   -> natural value = 250 / 1 = 250.0
    #   -> will make sure that replay+train op will be executed 4x as
    #      often as rollout+insert op (4 * 250 = 1000).
    # See: rllib/agents/dqn/dqn.py::calculate_rr_weights for further details.
    "training_intensity": None,

    # === Optimization ===
    # Learning rate for adam optimizer
    "lr": 5e-4,
    # Learning rate schedule
    "lr_schedule": None,
    # Adam epsilon hyper parameter
    "adam_epsilon": 1e-8,
    # If not None, clip gradients during optimization at this value
    "grad_clip": 40,
    # How many steps of the model to sample before learning starts.
    "learning_starts": 1000,
    # Update the replay buffer with this many samples at once. Note that
    # this setting applies per-worker if num_workers > 1.
    "rollout_fragment_length": 4,
    # Size of a batch sampled from replay buffer for training. Note that
    # if async_updates is set, then each worker returns gradients for a
    # batch of this size.
    "train_batch_size": 32,

    # === Parallelism ===
    # Number of workers for collecting samples with. This only makes sense
    # to increase if your environment is particularly slow to sample, or if
    # you"re using the Async or Ape-X optimizers.
    "num_workers": 0,
    # Whether to compute priorities on workers.
    "worker_side_prioritization": False,
    # Prevent iterations from going lower than this time span
    "min_iter_time_s": 1,

As the above config is from a working example file and trips an assertion in a core package file, I am not sure what the underlying issue is. For what it is worth, the same crash happens when training on a Windows system and a Linux system.

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Following up on this, as I was able to fix the bug for my particular use case.

While my custom environment was running just fine in a custom test loop (simulating ad-hoc and heuristic control policies), there were some minor formatting inconsistencies with “expected” AI gym uses. I did not catch these until running my environment through stable baseline 3’s environment checker (env_check), which flagged the issues (e.g. passing an observation as a column vector as opposed to a 1D array - sorry, I am a maths person…a 1D array still doesn’t make great sense to me).

Anywho, after flattening my observations the above “assert priority > 0” error stopped being thrown in RLLib. So that seems to have been the cause. However, the error message itself was pretty unhelpful in diagnosing this problem - were it not for sb3’s help, I’d not have fixed it (likely).

Not sure how development issues are raised for this project, but adding a compatibility checking tool for custom environments so the above does not happen to others seems like it may be a useful Quality of Life improvement. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey @answer42 , yeah, the error message should be better here. And yes, it’s true, we should add better env checking upfront. I can add this to our TODO list, which already contains the same for models (performing standardized model forward passes to make sure, everything is well “connected” prior to actually doing the action- and loss/gradients computations).