Dashboard won't work with on-premise cluster

Hello! I am having trouble getting access to the dashboard when running a on-premise cluster with ray.

I am able to use the dashboard with single node python scripts that use ray on my local machine, but when I try the link that the ray cluster launcher gives me upon launching my cluster, it never works :pensive:.

I am refreshing as the nodes are running and still chrome just says refused to connect. I was under the impression that ray takes care of the port forwarding, so I shouldn’t have to be on the same network as the cluster machines to view the dashboard, correct?

Any suggestions appreciated!

If this helps, I am running ray on LSF and to access dashboard one needs to port forward on local machine. for reference sharing with you documentation, please refer port forwarding section: GitHub - IBMSpectrumComputing/ray-integration: Ray with LSF. Users can start up a Ray cluster on LSF, and run DL workloads through that either in a batch or interactive mode..


Thanks for the reference! It did work by doing this on my laptop, but not on my pc where I would like to see it from.

My situation is I want to access the dashboard locally, from my browser. In order to get to the on premise cluster, I first have to ssh into my schools public ssh server, from which I can then ssh into one of the nodes and start the cluster.

The steps you gave were:

export PORT=3752
export HEAD_NODE=ccc2-10.sl.cloud.ibm.com
ssh -L $PORT:localhost:$PORT -N -f -l <username> $HEAD_NODE

The command I run on my laptop to get this to work is
ssh -L 8265:localhost:8265 -N -f -l phesse001 ssh.csbsju.edu

For whatever reason, this command does not work on my pc.

Any suggested debugging tips?

In ray 2.0, we made the previous experimental dashboard the new default dashboard. Could you try to upgrade to 2.0 and see if you are still running into this issue?