How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
- High: It blocks me to complete my task.
I used the Docker image rayproject/ray
from the official website, and start the container with:
docker run --shm-size=3G -dit -p 8265:8265 -p 8888:8888 --name raytest001 rayproject/ray
I run this script in the container machine:
import ray
It said Ray is launched successfully, but I cannot reach the dashboard in the Host browser: (I confirmed the IP is correct).
I also tried this command:
ray start --head --dashboard-host ""
The output said:
Usage stats collection will be enabled by default in the next release. See (github link) for more details.
Local node IP:
2022-05-29 19:40:44,187 INFO – View the Ray dashboard at
Ray runtime started.
Next steps
To connect to this Ray runtime from another node, run
ray start --address=‘’Alternatively, use the following Python code:
import ray
ray.init(address=‘auto’)To connect to this Ray runtime from outside of the cluster, for example to
connect to a remote cluster from your laptop directly, use the following
Python code:
import ray
ray.init(address=‘ray://<head_node_ip_address>:10001’)If connection fails, check your firewall settings and network configuration.
To terminate the Ray runtime, run
ray stop
Looks fine for me, but still the dashboard is not accessible outside the container. What should I do?