How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.
I am trying to launch a ray cluster on k8s and latest doc suggests helm. I managed to install a ray cluster using helm. However, I want to export the port of dashboard to the internet so that I don’t need to run port-forward every time. Then I modified the existing service configuration and then it worked. My first question is: what should I do if I want to add annotations to service dynamically to the helm chart so that I don’t have to add it after the cluster is created?
I also found 1.1.0 (Deploying on Kubernetes — Ray v1.1.0) allowed deploying from a yaml file directly. Will it be encourage to use for the latest version as well without installing crd?
thanks. I manually created a service to export the dashboard to internet and now I can see the UI in a URL like, and I would like to do the same thing to the port 10001 so that I don’t need to run port-forward any time. And I tried ray.init(“ray://”) but it failed to connect. Is there any way to work around it? thanks.
Hmm…are you able to expose a generic simple gRPC service using an ingress?
It is possible that the issue is somehow related to Ray client’s use of gRPC vs. the dashboard’s plain http.