Hi, I’m running a ray cluster using k8s and try to assign more cpu cores to the head node. I use the official chart configurations for deployment and here’s my values.yaml
However, after the cluster is started, from the head node’s pod yaml configuration, the request CPU is some wired number that doesn’t appear anywhere in my configs.
I was not able to reproduce this on my first attempt.
The chart’s logic sets limits equal to requests:
so this is very strange.
The Helm chart configures a “RayCluster” custom resource which is then processed by an operator. Maybe we can take a look at the intermediate RayCluster object first.
After installing the chart, could you kubectl -n <your namespace> get raycluster <your release name> -o yaml and see what the requests and limits look like in that configuration?
'kubectl get raycluster -o yaml ’ shows the correct cpu ‘request’ and ‘limit’ (which is 2 in my case). Only the started head pod’s yaml somehow has a weird request number
double check with the operator image, it’s indeed ray:1.9.0. And a scratch pod seems running fine (with correct number of requested cpu) and we have a bunch of other services/pods running under this k8s platform.
Thanks Dmitri, after some investigation, it turned out to be an issue of our k8s platform (they put some hard-coded limit on the cpu resource for test env) …