I’m trying to set up a load balancer server for Ray which I deployed using the .yaml file provided in Ray’s documentation. For that effect, I’m trying to use the following .yml file but I keep getting errors about the type of services. Is there any example of how to set up the lb service? Thanks!
Please notice that when start ray on the head, I get the following messages back:
kubectl -n ray exec -it ray-head-6fc7dffbc8-skq9j – bash (base) ray@ray-head-6fc7dffbc8-skq9j:/$ python -m ray.util.client.server 2021-01-27 07:39:02,797 INFO services.py:1174 – View the Ray dashboard at 2021-01-27 07:39:05,191 INFO server.py:480 – Starting Ray Client server on
To define the LB service for the head, I had to run: kubectl -n ray expose replicaset ray-head-6fc7dffbc8 --port=50051 --target-port=50051 --name=ray-head-svc --type=LoadBalancer
This worked, although it’d be better to use the .yaml deployment file to implement the LB.
I also ran the following to get access to the dashboard, however, my browser does not see anything on port 8265.
kubectl -n ray expose replicaset ray-head-6fc7dffbc8 --port=8265 --target-port=8265 --name=ray-head-dashb --type=LoadBalancer