Reload py script when use Cross-Language Programming

I have a java service,use Cross-Language Programming to execute py remote function.

When I modify the py script, ray will not reload the py script. I feel that the cache is used, and the modified content will not be submitted to the ray cluster. The old py script is still used. Even if I delete the local py script, it can still run successfully.

How to dynamically load the py script without restarting the java service, and use the latest version for each execution?

Can anyone answer this question?

@GuyangSong Do you have any ideas?

@imperio-wxm Do you have some code snippet that we can take a look?

@imperio-wxm We need to know the running way of your ray job and the details of your code.

Just an example from the official docs.

# /path/to/the_dir/
# version 1

import ray

class Counter(object):
  def __init__(self):
      self.value = 0

  def increment(self):
      self.value += 1
      return self.value

def add(a, b):
    return a + b
public static void test() {
  // Set the code-search-path to the directory of your `` file.
  System.setProperty("ray.job.code-search-path", "/path/to/the_dir/");
  if (!Ray.isInitialized()) {

  // Define a Python class.
  PyActorClass actorClass = PyActorClass.of(
      "ray_demo", "Counter");

  // Create a Python actor and call actor method.
  PyActorHandle actor =;
  ObjectRef objRef1 = actor.task(
      PyActorMethod.of("increment", int.class)).remote();
  Assert.assertEquals(objRef1.get(), 1);
  ObjectRef objRef2 = actor.task(
      PyActorMethod.of("increment", int.class)).remote();
  Assert.assertEquals(objRef2.get(), 2);

  // Call the Python remote function.
  ObjectRef objRef3 = Ray.task(PyFunction.of(
      "ray_demo", "add", int.class), 1, 2).remote();
  Assert.assertEquals(objRef3.get(), 3);

Running the test() method works, At this time, the java program and java client are not shutdown.
Modify the py file:

# version 2
import ray

class Counter(object):
  def __init__(self):
      self.value = 0

  def increment(self):
      self.value += 2
      return self.value

def add(a, b):
    return (a + b ) * 2

The py code before modification is still used, the first version of the code has been cached, and the newly modified code does not take effect.Even if I delete this file, the program can still run normally.