RAY RLLib installation on RHEL 7.8


Does ray work on RHEL Fedora 7.8? I tried to install various versions of Ray RLLib including 2.21.0 and 2.39.0 failed using it. There were strange errors when importing rllib into python and trying to build a config for RL algorithms. I even installed the earlier versions of python such as, 3.7.0, 3.9.0, and 3.11.0 to see if the ray rllib works or not. It does not differ which python version is installed.

@dejkam Thanks for posting this question. I am developing RLlib running on Fedora Linux 40 using ray-nightly. RHEL 7.8 is based on Fedora Linux 28 - so this is very old. Any chance to update this?

In case you cannot make sure that you have all developer tools installed. On Linux Fedora this would be:

sudo dnf -y groupinstall "Development Tools"

I am working with pyenv and venv to use virtual environments with specific python versions (at present Python 3.11.7).

You might need to install pyenv (you might take a look here if you want to install pyenv)