Ray Distributed Debugger doesn't work as expected

How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?

  • Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.

Hello everyone,

I’ve installed the Ray distributed debugger extension in VSCode to debug some processes. I have followed the instructions in the doc, which are also available here

Still, when I run the main file, the code returns an error, but I’m unable to attach the ray debugger to the paused task. The run just ends with the error code.
The file that includes the functions with the decorator @ray.remote is not in the main file but is imported. Anyway, I also tried to copy and paste everything into a unique main file to understand if this was the problem.
Still, it doesn’t work. Do you have any idea what it could be? I can add additional information on request.

@pcmoritz for you to take a look

Thanks @ColdFrenzy, can you post some more details about the steps you are following? E.g. sharing a minimal example, which steps you are going through and which Ray version you are using would be very helpful.

One thing I could think about is currently you need to set the RAY_DEBUG environment variable to 1 for the debugger to work (this is something we are changing in Make it possible to use Ray distributed debugger without setting RAY_DEBUG by pcmoritz · Pull Request #48301 · ray-project/ray · GitHub but hasn’t been released yet) :slight_smile:

Hi @pcmoritz thanks for the answer. Looks like it was a mistake from my side. I thought that Ray was already at the latest version when I installed it, but it looks like it was 1.13.0. Now I’ve upgraded it, and it seems to work fine.

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