Qmix on a PettingZoo env

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I have been trying to use QMIX to train on a PettingZoo environment, however after using multiple wrappers to fix compatibility issues (see this) i get this error:

File “/ray/rllib/utils/deprecation.py”, line 106, in patched_init
return obj_init(*args, **kwargs)
File “/ray/rllib/utils/deprecation.py”, line 106, in patched_init
return obj_init(*args, **kwargs)
File “/ray/rllib/algorithms/algorithm.py”, line 517, in init
File “/ray/tune/trainable/trainable.py”, line 185, in init
File “/ray/rllib/algorithms/algorithm.py”, line 639, in setup
self.workers = WorkerSet(
File “/ray/rllib/evaluation/worker_set.py”, line 179, in init
raise e.args[0].args[2]
ValueError: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “ray/rllib/utils/pre_checks/env.py”, line 307, in check_multiagent_environments
obs_and_infos = env.reset(seed=42, options={})
File “ray/rllib/env/wrappers/group_agents_wrapper.py”, line 84, in reset
File “ray/rllib/env/wrappers/group_agents_wrapper.py”, line 149, in _group_items
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Missing member of group group_1: drone_0: {‘observer_0’: array([-1000., 0., 0., 0., 169., 286., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32)}

See my configuration below, anything unusual?

import os
import ray
import supersuit as ss
from ray import tune
from ray.rllib.algorithms.qmix import QMixConfig
from ray.rllib.env.wrappers.pettingzoo_env import PettingZooEnv
from ray.rllib.env.wrappers.group_agents_wrapper import GroupAgentsWrapper
from ray.tune.registry import register_env
from gymnasium.spaces import Box, Tuple

from hemarl.pettingzooenv import customenv

import numpy as np

Box(low=-10000, high=10000, shape=(9 + 1 * 2,)), # Hardcoded for 1 drone!
Box(low=-10000, high=10000, shape=(9 + 1 * 2,)), # Hardcoded for 1 drone!
Box(low=-10, high=10, shape=(3,)), # hardcoded for max_speed = 10
Box(low=-10, high=10, shape=(3,)),

def env_creator(args):

env = customenv.env(

env = ss.dtype_v0(env, "float32")
env = ss.pad_observations_v0(env)
env = ss.pad_action_space_v0(env)

# wrap env with Rlib PettingZoo Env
env = PettingZooEnv(env)
agents = env.env.agents
drones = [agent for agent in agents if "drone" in agent]
observers = [agent for agent in agents if "observer" in agent]

if args["grouped_agents"]:
    groups = {"group_1": drones + observers}
    env = GroupAgentsWrapper(env, groups,

return env

if name == “main”:

env_name = "customenv"
env_config = dict(
    area_size=(1000, 1000),

register_env(env_name, lambda config: env_creator(env_config))

config = (
    .environment(env=env_name, clip_actions=True)
        policies={"drone_0", "observer_0"},
        # Simple mapping fn, mapping agent0 to main0 and agent1 to main1.
        policy_mapping_fn=(lambda aid, episode, **kw: aid),
        policies_to_train=["drone_0", "observer_0"],

analysis = tune.run(
    stop={"timesteps_total": 1000000 if not os.environ.get("CI") else 500},


Hi charles! Welcome back to the Ray community :slight_smile: seems like you’ve got a “Missing member of group” error, which means there might be something up with your agent groups or names.

So are your agents, specifically drone_0 and observer_0, are both defined and correctly named within your environment’s agents list? The code has them being part of group_1, so they need to match up as expected.

Your _GROUPED_OBSERVATION_SPACE and _GROUPED_ACTION_SPACE are currently set up for just one drone, so if you plan to have more, you might need to adjust these spaces accordingly to fit your setup.

Since the error pops up during the reset, it’s worth checking out if your custom environment’s reset method is properly initializing everything. The observations it returns also need to line up with what’s expected. If you don’t have a custom one tho you should be ok.

Double-check the env_config you’re sending into env_creator. It should have the right numbers for n_drones and n_observers. If they’re mismatching, it could cause hiccups.

Let me know if any of these help!!

Hi Christina, Thank you very much for your quick answer!

i’m still new to Rllib, so i might be missing some info here, i’m not too familiar with groups, but if i understood correctly it tells qmix which observations it needs to group to get the joint observation space? my 2 agents “drone_0” and “observer_0” are both correctly defined an named in the same way in the agent list of the pettingzoo env, is there any “grouping” to do on the env. side?
for instance, this is what i see when i print the group content before i try to create the GroupAgentWrapper:
(RolloutWorker pid=2879824) agents: [‘observer_0’, ‘drone_0’]
(RolloutWorker pid=2879824) group 1: {‘group_1’: [‘drone_0’, ‘observer_0’]}

for my observation spaces, there is a typo in the comment, but they are currently setup for 1 drone (first line) and 1 observer (2nd line). they have the same observation space in the env. is this the correct way to define the joint obs. space? similar for action space.

The environment works perfectly when training with SAC, PPO, and TD3, so i suspect the observations do match correctly in the reset() the issue appeared when trying QMIX.
The env config has n_drones=1 and n_observers=1 which should match with the groupings.

One thing to note is that the pettingzoo env follows the AEC api (one agent “turn” at a time) could this be the cause?

Using an AEC to Parallel env Wrapper seems to fix the grouping issue! however this introduces a new problem with Rllib, PettingZooEnv wrapper:

File “/rllib/env/wrappers/group_agents_wrapper.py”, line 81, in reset
obs, info = self.env.reset(seed=seed, options=options)
File “/rllib/env/wrappers/pettingzoo_env.py”, line 141, in reset
{self.env.agent_selection: self.env.observe(self.env.agent_selection)},
AttributeError: ‘aec_to_parallel_wrapper’ object has no attribute ‘agent_selection’