Problem with action masking

I try to use example with action masking function but I don’t know why tre trainer "can’t see " that some actions are masked.

import gym
from gym.spaces import Box, Dict, Discrete
import numpy as np
import random

from ray import tune
from ray.tune.registry import register_env

class ParametricActionsCartPoleNoEmbeddings(gym.Env):
    def __init__(self, max_avail_actions):
        # Randomly set which two actions are valid and available.
        self.left_idx, self.right_idx = random.sample(range(max_avail_actions), 2)
        self.valid_avail_actions_mask = np.array(
            [0.0] * max_avail_actions, dtype=np.float32
        self.valid_avail_actions_mask[self.left_idx] = 1
        self.valid_avail_actions_mask[self.right_idx] = 1
        self.action_space = Discrete(max_avail_actions)
        self.wrapped = gym.make("CartPole-v0")
        self.observation_space = Dict(
                "action_mask": Box(0, 1, shape=(max_avail_actions,)),
                "observation": self.wrapped.observation_space,
        self._skip_env_checking = True

    def reset(self):
        return {
            "action_mask": self.valid_avail_actions_mask,
            "observation": self.wrapped.reset(),

    def step(self, action):
        if action == self.left_idx:
            actual_action = 0
        elif action == self.right_idx:
            actual_action = 1
            raise ValueError(
                "Chosen action was not one of the non-zero action embeddings",
        orig_obs, rew, done, info = self.wrapped.step(actual_action)
        obs = {
            "action_mask": self.valid_avail_actions_mask,
            "observation": orig_obs,
        return obs, rew, done, info

if __name__ == "__main__":
    def env_creator(env_config={}):
        return ParametricActionsCartPoleNoEmbeddings(max_avail_actions=6)  

    register_env("my_env", env_creator)"PPO",
             # algorithm specific configuration
             config={"env": "my_env",
                     "num_gpus": 0,
                     "num_workers": 7,}, )

It gets the error:

ValueError: ('Chosen action was not one of the non-zero action embeddings', 2, array([0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.], dtype=float32), 4, 1)

By the way, I think that in some examples in github good idea is to split examples for so basic parts as possible. Putting embedding example and masking example in the same file can be a little confusing for beginners. Maybe basic example should be as simple as possible to run specified functionality.

you should use your “action mask” in your customized model to mask your logits yourself. you didn’t do that. see action mask example again, that would be good.

@hossein836 Thank You fot the answer, I see that I don’t understand something general and obvious in the concept.

Do you mean I should add forward function similar to :

    def forward(self, input_dict, state, seq_lens):
        # Extract the available actions tensor from the observation.
        avail_actions = input_dict["obs"]["avail_actions"]
        action_mask = input_dict["obs"]["action_mask"]

        # Compute the predicted action embedding
        action_embed, _ = self.action_embed_model({
            "obs": input_dict["obs"]["cart"]

        # Expand the model output to [BATCH, 1, EMBED_SIZE]. Note that the
        # avail actions tensor is of shape [BATCH, MAX_ACTIONS, EMBED_SIZE].
        intent_vector = tf.expand_dims(action_embed, 1)

        # Batch dot product => shape of logits is [BATCH, MAX_ACTIONS].
        action_logits = tf.reduce_sum(avail_actions * intent_vector, axis=2)

        # Mask out invalid actions (use tf.float32.min for stability)
        inf_mask = tf.maximum(tf.log(action_mask), tf.float32.min)
        return action_logits + inf_mask, state

So how does masking work?

  1. Agent returns only available actions or
  2. Agent returns all actions and environment needs convert all actions to available (unmasked) values

avail action are useless in action masking so put it away. the only thing that matters is action masking.
you use action masking to replace some action logits( which you don’t want to be selected) with -inf or very big negative number. so if action distribution calculate probability of taking actions, those actions selection probability goes to zero. thats exactly what is happening. for better understandings you can print inf_mask.

@hossein836 Thank You for the explanation how thw masking works. I will try to merge all these pieces of code into runing example.
I found some examples, maybe its will help me better umderstand it

Indeed there should be splits, and I had struggled to find this one too: ray/ at master · ray-project/ray · GitHub

@vlainic , Thank you for the example :+1:
I will test it with some simple environment like cartpole. It’s a little discouraging if you know how to use gym, know some basics from rllib, know how to make supervised learning in tf2 and you get stuck in some detail when you want to use action masking but I say that the things are difficult as so long as you know how to do it :slight_smile:

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After heroic effort :wink: I added the code which works.
The source of problem was, I didn’t unedrstand the sense of lines:

    def env_creator(env_config={}):
        return ParametricActionsCartPole(max_avail_actions=6)

    register_env("my_env", env_creator)
    ModelCatalog.register_custom_model("pa_model", ActionMaskModel)


             config={"env": "my_env",  
                     "model": {"custom_model": "pa_model", },

Full code is below. Maybe it will be usefull for someone.

import random
import gym
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from gym.spaces import Box, Discrete, Dict
from ray import tune
from import FullyConnectedNetwork
from import TFModelV2
from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf
from ray.rllib.models import ModelCatalog
from ray.tune.registry import register_env

tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf()

class ParametricActionsCartPole(gym.Env):
    def __init__(self, max_avail_actions):
        # Randomly set which two actions are valid and available.
        self.left_idx, self.right_idx = random.sample(range(max_avail_actions), 2)
        print(f'self.left_idx={self.left_idx}, self.right_idx={self.right_idx}')
        self.valid_avail_actions_mask = np.array(
            [0.0] * max_avail_actions, dtype=np.float32
        self.valid_avail_actions_mask[self.left_idx] = 1
        self.valid_avail_actions_mask[self.right_idx] = 1
        self.action_space = Discrete(max_avail_actions)
        self.wrapped = gym.make("CartPole-v0")
        self.observation_space = Dict(
                "action_mask": Box(0, 1, shape=(max_avail_actions,)),
                "observations": self.wrapped.observation_space,
        self._skip_env_checking = True

    def reset(self):
        return {
            "action_mask": self.valid_avail_actions_mask,
            "observations": self.wrapped.reset(),

    def step(self, action):
        if action == self.left_idx:
            actual_action = 0
        elif action == self.right_idx:
            actual_action = 1
            raise ValueError(
                "Chosen action was not one of the non-zero action embeddings",
        orig_obs, rew, done, info = self.wrapped.step(actual_action)
        obs = {
            "action_mask": self.valid_avail_actions_mask,
            "observations": orig_obs,
        return obs, rew, done, info

    def forward(self, input_dict, state, seq_lens):
        # Extract the available actions tensor from the observation.
        avail_actions = input_dict["obs"]["avail_actions"]
        action_mask = input_dict["obs"]["action_mask"]

        # Compute the predicted action embedding
        action_embed, _ = self.action_embed_model({
            "obs": input_dict["obs"]["cart"]

        # Expand the model output to [BATCH, 1, EMBED_SIZE]. Note that the
        # avail actions tensor is of shape [BATCH, MAX_ACTIONS, EMBED_SIZE].
        intent_vector = tf.expand_dims(action_embed, 1)

        # Batch dot product => shape of logits is [BATCH, MAX_ACTIONS].
        action_logits = tf.reduce_sum(avail_actions * intent_vector, axis=2)

        # Mask out invalid actions (use tf.float32.min for stability)
        inf_mask = tf.maximum(tf.log(action_mask), tf.float32.min)
        return action_logits + inf_mask, state

class ActionMaskModel(TFModelV2):
    """Model that handles simple discrete action masking.
    This assumes the outputs are logits for a single Categorical action dist.
    Getting this to work with a more complex output (e.g., if the action space
    is a tuple of several distributions) is also possible but left as an
    exercise to the reader.

    def __init__(
            self, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, **kwargs
        orig_space = getattr(obs_space, "original_space", obs_space)
        assert (
                isinstance(orig_space, Dict)
                and "action_mask" in orig_space.spaces
                and "observations" in orig_space.spaces

        super().__init__(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name)

        self.internal_model = FullyConnectedNetwork(
            name + "_internal",

        # disable action masking --> will likely lead to invalid actions
        self.no_masking = model_config["custom_model_config"].get("no_masking", False)

    def forward(self, input_dict, state, seq_lens):
        # Extract the available actions tensor from the observation.
        action_mask = input_dict["obs"]["action_mask"]

        # Compute the unmasked logits.
        logits, _ = self.internal_model({"obs": input_dict["obs"]["observations"]})

        # If action masking is disabled, directly return unmasked logits
        if self.no_masking:
            return logits, state

        # Convert action_mask into a [0.0 || -inf]-type mask.
        inf_mask = tf.maximum(tf.math.log(action_mask), tf.float32.min)
        masked_logits = logits + inf_mask

        # Return masked logits.
        return masked_logits, state

    def value_function(self):
        return self.internal_model.value_function()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    def env_creator(env_config={}):
        return ParametricActionsCartPole(max_avail_actions=6)  # return an env instance

    register_env("my_env", env_creator)

    ModelCatalog.register_custom_model("pa_model", ActionMaskModel)"PPO",
             # algorithm specific configuration
             config={"env": "my_env",  #
                     "framework": "tf2",
                     "num_gpus": 0,
                     "num_workers": 7,
                     "model": {"custom_model": "pa_model", },
                     "evaluation_interval": 2,
                     # "evaluation_num_episodes": 20
             local_dir="cartpole_v1",  # directory to save results
             checkpoint_freq=2,  # frequency between checkpoints