Obtain in eager mode Actor model output in ray.tune mode using DefaultCallbacks class

Hi I am trying to log distribution of means and std using PPO algorithm during ray.tune.

I was able to save such values in custom training process but since I cannot use eager mode in tune, is there a easy way to log to tensorboard /W&B values of means and stds during training?

Below I am attaching my code in eager mode (without ray.tune):

def get_dists(_trainer):
    policy = _trainer.get_policy()
    logits, _ = policy.model.from_batch({"obs": np.array([[0]])})
    dist = policy.dist_class(logits, policy.model)
    return dist.mean.numpy(), dist.std.numpy()

trainer = ppo.PPOTrainer(config=ppo_config, env=FlightEnv)

for n in range(stop_iters):
    result = trainer.train()
    means, stds = get_dists(trainer)
    logs = {"mean_actions": means, "std_actions": stds}

I am trying to achieve something like this in “tune” mode using custom callbacks,
but it’s obviously not working because it’s not eager mode:

class MyCallbacks(DefaultCallbacks):
    def on_train_result(self, trainer, result: dict, **kwargs):
        print("trainer.train() result: {} -> {} episodes".format(
            trainer, result["episodes_this_iter"]))
        # you can mutate the result dict to add new fields to return
        result["callback_ok"] = True
        result["FCC_net"] = trainer.get_policy().get_weights()
        def get_dists(_trainer):
            policy = _trainer.get_policy()
            logits, _ = policy.model.from_batch({"obs": np.array([[0]])})
            dist = policy.dist_class(logits, policy.model)
            return dist.mean.numpy(), dist.std.numpy()
        means, stds = get_dists(trainer)
        result["mean"] = means
        result["stds"] = stds