How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
- Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.
- High: It blocks me to complete my task.
I used to be on kuberay operator 0.4.0 and have upgraded to 1.0.0. The ray cluster chart also is on the latest version.
When I am trying to install a Ray Cluster, I am getting this error:
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: template: ray-cluster/templates/raycluster-cluster.yaml:180:20: executing “ray-cluster/templates/raycluster-cluster.yaml” at <.Values.worker.disabled>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.worker
My template is passing workers dictionary with disabled = False and I am not sure why it is throwing a nil pointer error.
I am also finding that line 180 in the new raycluster-clusters.yaml file starts after the old raycluster in 0.4.0 ended i.e after
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
In other words the 0.4.0 raycluster-clusters.yaml file has much fewer template code and ended before I am getting the error. I am not sure they are correlated.
But failure to deploy RayCluster hinders the team productivity. I need some pointers on how to debug this.
Thanks, Charu