How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
- High: It blocks me to complete my task.
Hi everyone!
I’m new using Ray, I chose it because I believe it’s a great option for making RL projects.
I’m now trying to train a multiagent enviroment, like simple_tag from pettingzoo, but I cant make it work.
I always got this error ‘substructures are different size or nested’ and when I look at them, one of them is an array of (for example) 16 elements, and the other one is a dict, with keys ‘agent_0’, ‘agent_1’ and an array of 16 elements for each key.
I think the first structure is the one that the enviroment is giving, and larger one, the one ray is expecting.
This is the config:
config = {
“env”: “simple_spread”,
“framework”: “torch”, # o “tf” si usas TensorFlow
“multiagent”: {
“policies”: {
“agent_0”: (None, env_creator({}).observation_space, env_creator({}).action_space, {}),
“agent_1”: (None, env_creator({}).observation_space, env_creator({}).action_space, {}),
“agent_2”: (None, env_creator({}).observation_space, env_creator({}).action_space, {}),
“policy_mapping_fn”: policy_mapping_fn,
What can I do? is that an enviroment problem?