Issue with TuneGridSearchCV

Hi All,

Appreciate if you could help me. I am trying to use gridsearch by using TuneGridSearchCV and got error on ray worker and redis server.

This is the codes that I used:

from tune_sklearn import TuneGridSearchCV, TuneSearchCV

grid_search = TuneGridSearchCV(
                                estimator, # sklearn.RandomForest
                                param_grid,  #defined in Config
                                cv=cv,  # 5
                                scoring=scoring,  # MAPE
                                n_jobs=Config.MODELLING_CONFIG['GRID_SEARCH']['n_jobs'],  # 8

PC/Python Specs

  • Windows 10
  • python 3.7.4

Ray Tune Installation

pip install ray[tune] tune-sklearn 

I need help to debug the import error

Hey @amalinas, could you share a reproductible script we could run (with values for all the parameters)? Also, are you using windows?