the docs (Configuring Ray — Ray 2.8.0) read:
Each Ray session will have a unique name. By default, the name is session_{timestamp}_{pid}
. The format of timestamp
is %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_%f
How can I change the session name format from ray.init()
? I keep running into an error because the names are really long.
OSError: AF_UNIX path length cannot exceed 107 bytes: '/state/partition1/slurm_tmp/21322766.4294967291.0/ray/session_2023-02-02_13-15-02_941811_78876/sockets/plasma_store'
hi @alexlenail unfortunately we don’t allow you to change the path format as of today. Let us revisit the issue in 2.4.
@Chen_Shen was it resolved so far? I am struggling with this issue and I see no fix available online.
Unfortunately, it’s not supported yet. Feel free to create a GH feature request and mention why you want that.