Configuring Actor Logs

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I am using ray logging with the driver. The documentation explains how we can change the actor name but there is no flexibility at least described on changing the pid display. Because PID’s are not padded, log lines out of alignment which is really quite annoying especially if they include timestamps. Maybe there is a way to do this but I am not seeing it. Even better would be if I could include a timestamp with the actor log messages.

(Actor pid=2166) 2023-01-04 INFO multiply_by_two 1
(Actor pid=268) 2023-01-04 INFO multiply_by_two 3
(Actor pid=2167) 2023-01-04 INFO multiply_by_two 1

I don’t think we have a way to configure this. You may need to create an issue. Contribution is always welcome to improve this…

I think we need some kind of APIs to fine-grain control formatting of this