How does Ray Tasks handle remote connections and completion?

Hi Team, had a couple questions about Ray Tasks

If i submit a ray remote task and disconnect the client, will the task complete or will it get dropped
Will I be able to reconnect with a new client and retrieve the return value of the task?

Also, how long does Ray tasks hold the result of my task? If it is indefinite, would that eventually cause memory issues? Or is there some kind of expiration

@rickyyx for thoughts

If i submit a ray remote task and disconnect the client, will the task complete or will it get dropped
Will I be able to reconnect with a new client and retrieve the return value of the task?

For normal tasks, I don’t think you can reconnect with a new client since each ray client connect starts a separate ray job. The only exception is the detached actor I believe.

how long does Ray tasks hold the result of my task?

I think this is related to reference counting. You can check out the architecture whitepaper for this more advanced topic: