Failed to start the dashboard , return code -11

I tried to start ray using the following command (Ray 2.3.0):

 ray start --head

The following dashboard error came up.

 ERROR -- Failed to start the dashboard , return code -11

I tried to run the command with the following option and still get the same error:


The dashboard.log has the following messages:

 2023-03-07 11:59:07,915 INFO -- Dashboard head grpc address:
 2023-03-07 11:59:07,917 INFO -- Starting dashboard metrics server on port 44227

The dashboard.err is blank.

cc @sangcho for thoughts.

Which python version do you use?

I’m using Python 3.8.16. What does the code -11 mean?

It somehow related to creating an environment with tensorflow involving conda-forge, i.e.

 conda create -n test tensorflow  python=3.8  root -c conda-forge

and running ray in this environment will has above error, but

 conda create -n test tensorflow  python=3.8

and running ray in this environment will be fine

The reason I need to invoke “-c conda-forge” is to install ROOT with conda.

@wxie2013 are you using Windows or WSL?
This might be a related issue: [Windows][Installation] Install of Ray using Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) fails to start the Ray dashboard · Issue #32693 · ray-project/ray · GitHub

It’s most likely because one shouldn’t conda install tensorflow in conda-forged channel. There seems to be some inconsistency. Thanks for all the follow up. I will close this thread now