Experiment slowing down after several hours of flawless training


I’m running an experiment with a custom gym env.
After 15h of training, 720.000 steps trained, which account for 500 episodes give or take, the thing slows down up to the point where 4 episodes were taking 7 minutes and now they take 2h30m

As it runs flawlesly for so long, I’m assuming there is no issue on the environment. I don’t know if a memory leak could be slowly building up up until it colapses the computer, but I don’t think so because (1) the computer is fully responsive as I’m writing this post adn (2) Tune output has been printing the memory usage and it is high but stable, below the 90% warning threshold, moreover, if anything, it is drastically going down as we speak… it’s been at 25GB/32GB for the whole training and just now it has gone down to 14GB

Also, I don’t know if this can be related, but looking at tensorboard I’d say reward mean has plateaud (maybe not, it’s the first time I’m using a stopper so I’m not sure what a standard stopping plateau should look like) but the stopper has not caused the trial to end.

This is my code (if you see anything screaming “BAD PRACTICE!” please please kindly let me know :slight_smile: )

ray.init(runtime_env={"working_dir": "generic"}, num_cpus=8, num_gpus=1,log_to_driver=True, logging_level= "critical" )

ppo_config = (
    .resources(num_gpus=1, num_cpus_per_worker=1)
    .environment(env="custom_env", disable_env_checking=True)
    .rollouts( num_rollout_workers=4, num_envs_per_worker=1, create_env_on_local_worker=False,  batch_mode="complete_episodes")
    .framework(framework="tf2", eager_tracing=True)
        gamma=tune.grid_search([0.97, 0.98, 0.985]),
        lr=tune.grid_search([ 5e-5, 1e-4,5e-6])

stopper = CombinedStopper(

analysis = tune.run(
    config = ppo_config.to_dict(),
    stop = stopper,
    local_dir = "D:/ray_results",
    checkpoint_freq = 10,
    verbose = 2,
    metric = "episode_reward_mean",
    mode = "max"

This is one sample of the output ray tune is printing:

== Status ==
Current time: 2023-05-08 22:37:15 (running for 1 days, 03:49:45.87)
Memory usage on this node: 14.5/31.9 GiB
Using FIFO scheduling algorithm.
Resources requested: 5.0/8 CPUs, 1.0/1 GPUs, 0.0/12.28 GiB heap, 0.0/6.14 GiB objects (0.0/1.0 accelerator_type:G)
Current best trial: dafa1_00000 with episode_reward_mean=-578.2958999996466 and parameters={'extra_python_environs_for_driver': {}, 'extra_python_environs_for_worker': {}, 'num_gpus': 1, 'num_cpus_per_worker': 1, 'num_gpus_per_worker': 0, '_fake_gpus': False, 'custom_resources_per_worker': {}, 'placement_strategy': 'PACK', 'eager_tracing': True, 'eager_max_retraces': 20, 'tf_session_args': {'intra_op_parallelism_threads': 2, 'inter_op_parallelism_threads': 2, 'gpu_options': {'allow_growth': True}, 'log_device_placement': False, 'device_count': {'CPU': 1}, 'allow_soft_placement': True}, 'local_tf_session_args': {'intra_op_parallelism_threads': 8, 'inter_op_parallelism_threads': 8}, 'env': 'custom_env', 'env_config': {}, 'observation_space': None, 'action_space': None, 'env_task_fn': None, 'render_env': False, 'clip_rewards': None, 'normalize_actions': True, 'clip_actions': False, 'disable_env_checking': True, 'is_atari': False, 'num_envs_per_worker': 1, 'sample_collector': <class 'ray.rllib.evaluation.collectors.simple_list_collector.SimpleListCollector'>, 'sample_async': False, 'enable_connectors': False, 'rollout_fragment_length': 'auto', 'batch_mode': 'complete_episodes', 'remote_worker_envs': False, 'remote_env_batch_wait_ms': 0, 'validate_workers_after_construction': True, 'ignore_worker_failures': False, 'recreate_failed_workers': False, 'restart_failed_sub_environments': False, 'num_consecutive_worker_failures_tolerance': 100, 'preprocessor_pref': 'deepmind', 'observation_filter': 'NoFilter', 'synchronize_filters': True, 'compress_observations': False, 'enable_tf1_exec_eagerly': False, 'sampler_perf_stats_ema_coef': None, 'gamma': 0.97, 'lr': 5e-05, 'train_batch_size': 4000, 'model': {'_disable_preprocessor_api': False, '_disable_action_flattening': False, 'fcnet_hiddens': [256, 256], 'fcnet_activation': 'tanh', 'conv_filters': None, 'conv_activation': 'relu', 'post_fcnet_hiddens': [], 'post_fcnet_activation': 'relu', 'free_log_std': False, 'no_final_linear': False, 'vf_share_layers': False, 'use_lstm': True, 'max_seq_len': 20, 'lstm_cell_size': 256, 'lstm_use_prev_action': False, 'lstm_use_prev_reward': False, '_time_major': False, 'use_attention': False, 'attention_num_transformer_units': 1, 'attention_dim': 64, 'attention_num_heads': 1, 'attention_head_dim': 32, 'attention_memory_inference': 50, 'attention_memory_training': 50, 'attention_position_wise_mlp_dim': 32, 'attention_init_gru_gate_bias': 2.0, 'attention_use_n_prev_actions': 0, 'attention_use_n_prev_rewards': 0, 'framestack': True, 'dim': 84, 'grayscale': False, 'zero_mean': True, 'custom_model': None, 'custom_model_config': {}, 'custom_action_dist': None, 'custom_preprocessor': None, 'lstm_use_prev_action_reward': -1, '_use_default_native_models': -1}, 'optimizer': {}, 'max_requests_in_flight_per_sampler_worker': 2, 'explore': True, 'exploration_config': {'type': 'StochasticSampling'}, 'policies': {'default_policy': (None, None, None, None)}, 'policy_states_are_swappable': <ray.rllib.algorithms.algorithm_config._NotProvided object at 0x0000019AB497F400>, 'input_config': {}, 'actions_in_input_normalized': False, 'postprocess_inputs': False, 'shuffle_buffer_size': 0, 'output': None, 'output_config': {}, 'output_compress_columns': ['obs', 'new_obs'], 'output_max_file_size': 67108864, 'offline_sampling': False, 'evaluation_interval': None, 'evaluation_duration': 10, 'evaluation_duration_unit': 'episodes', 'evaluation_sample_timeout_s': 180.0, 'evaluation_parallel_to_training': False, 'evaluation_config': None, 'off_policy_estimation_methods': {}, 'ope_split_batch_by_episode': True, 'evaluation_num_workers': 0, 'always_attach_evaluation_results': False, 'enable_async_evaluation': False, 'in_evaluation': False, 'sync_filters_on_rollout_workers_timeout_s': 60.0, 'keep_per_episode_custom_metrics': False, 'metrics_episode_collection_timeout_s': 60.0, 'metrics_num_episodes_for_smoothing': 100, 'min_time_s_per_iteration': None, 'min_train_timesteps_per_iteration': 0, 'min_sample_timesteps_per_iteration': 0, 'export_native_model_files': False, 'checkpoint_trainable_policies_only': False, 'logger_creator': None, 'logger_config': None, 'log_level': -1, 'log_sys_usage': True, 'fake_sampler': False, 'seed': None, 'worker_cls': None, 'rl_module_class': None, '_enable_rl_module_api': False, '_tf_policy_handles_more_than_one_loss': False, '_disable_preprocessor_api': False, '_disable_action_flattening': False, '_disable_execution_plan_api': True, 'simple_optimizer': True, 'replay_sequence_length': None, 'horizon': -1, 'soft_horizon': -1, 'no_done_at_end': -1, 'lr_schedule': None, 'use_critic': True, 'use_gae': True, 'kl_coeff': 0.2, 'sgd_minibatch_size': 128, 'num_sgd_iter': 30, 'shuffle_sequences': True, 'vf_loss_coeff': 1.0, 'entropy_coeff': 0.0, 'entropy_coeff_schedule': None, 'clip_param': 0.3, 'vf_clip_param': 10.0, 'grad_clip': None, 'kl_target': 0.01, 'vf_share_layers': -1, '__stdout_file__': None, '__stderr_file__': None, 'lambda': 1.0, 'input': 'sampler', 'multiagent': {'policies': {'default_policy': (None, None, None, None)}, 'policy_mapping_fn': <function AlgorithmConfig.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x0000019ABC19BD90>, 'policies_to_train': None, 'policy_map_capacity': 100, 'policy_map_cache': -1, 'count_steps_by': 'env_steps', 'observation_fn': None}, 'callbacks': <class '__main__.customCB'>, 'create_env_on_driver': False, 'custom_eval_function': None, 'framework': 'tf2', 'num_cpus_for_driver': 1, 'num_workers': 4}
Result logdir: D:\ray_results
Number of trials: 9/9 (8 PENDING, 1 RUNNING)

This is the chart from tensorboard showing the slow progress it’s stuck at right now:

And finally, the tensorboard chart showing how the thing may have plateaud (or maybe no) but it’s still running, moreover, the slow down happens shortly after the plateau seems to start, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something on my stopper setup is wrong and causing this whole issue:

any pointer to what could be the issue is very much appreciated



Could you take a look at the Ray Dashboard and screenshot the metrics page? Do you see anything suspicious reported by the dashboard? (By the way, which version of Ray are you on?)

Furthermore, if you try resuming the run, does it continue to stay slow? This may be hard to test out if you don’t want to kill the run – I’m trying to figure out whether this is a problem with the long-running nature of the application.

Hi @justinvyu

I have not installed graphana - It looked a bit complicated, at least from windows, but I’ll give it a go and see if I can get the metrics page working

Also, as the experiment just kindly crashed on me, out of memory after opening a few windows, I tried resuming, but it started a new run. It’s the first time I resume on Tune, so probably I did something wrong, I just added resume=True to the original run code:

analysis = tune.run(
    config = ppo_config.to_dict(),
    stop = stopper, 
    local_dir = "D:/ray_results",
    checkpoint_freq = 10,
    verbose = 2,
    metric = "episode_reward_mean",
    mode = "max",

Then, tensorboard went form showing only this run:
To add a new one named:

And finally, ray version, the elphant in the room, I’m ashamed to say it’s 3.0.0.dev0
That could be the issue right? I can’t dedicate too much time to this project and every time I look away for a few weeks you have release a bunch of new awesomeness :slight_smile: So, painful as it may be, now’s the time to upgrade - it will require some time and I’m swamped this week so I won’t be able to come back with this part until the weekend probably, sorry for that : (


Hi @justinvyu

  • I tried to update ray version with pip install -U "ray[default] and realized that I was up to date :crazy_face:
  • I couldn’t resume the stalled trials. Using “resume” & “name” on tune.run spits something about not finding a checkpoint file on the folder - I leave this fight for another day
  • Metrics: I got them working and then stated again an experiment, but funny enougth, it didn’t stall this time (orange line):

But the only change I did to the code was to memove a useless final coma from here:

stopper = CombinedStopper(

Which doesn’t seems to me a reason to stall. But I’m no expert, maybe it was related to the stopping mechanism because I still think by intuition that this orange line…

…should have been stopped by the TrialPlateauStopper.
Is there a way to track how close a stopper is to the stopping condition?



Sorry for the delayed response! Thanks for providing this info.

  1. For resuming, it looks like your original run script didn’t use a name for the experiment, so Tune will auto-generate something for you. Did you plug the experiment folder name into name and resume=True?

  2. The stopper shouldn’t be the issue here – basically the stopper should just terminate the trial if it does anything, rather than leave it in a “half-terminated” state where training just stalls. But, it is weird that the stopper just never kills any of these trials – even the ones that have flatlined. What does the number of training iterations look like?

    • The stopper acts based on the last 4 iteration results. Currently, there’s no way to check the metrics of the stopper – feel free to open a feature request for that!

No worries @justinvyu I appreciate the help eitherway : )

I stopped trying to resume because it didn’t stalled anymore, so I’ve had no use for resuming since then - I may need it soo enougth though as these trainings take a long time and they usually break during the night. I’ll look closer to the “name” attribute when I get back to it and come back here if it doesn’t works.

Regarding the stopper, I never got the plateau to work either. I assumed it would be because it would need more time on the plateau, but if it needs only 4 iterations then it makes no sense. I’m pretty sure it was flatlined for more than 4 iterations, even though I don’t have the data of that training anymore. In any case, I am now letting them run until they reach a minimum reward and it is working fine (except when they break).

Thanks for the help!