CPU usage exceed the num_cpus

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hello, i am running a ray.tune task(ray 2.6.1), and set ray with num_cpus=3, the example as follows.
When I execute the program and view the Ray dashboard, I can see the Overview page indeed use 3 cpu cores. (show picture1)
but in the Cluster page, each worker CPU Usage > 100%. In theory, there are a total of 3 CPUs, then every job should be within 100. (show picture 2)

I would like to understand why the worker cpu usage exceed the num_cpus.

import os

import ray
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier
from ray import tune
from ray.air import RunConfig
from ray.tune.search.hyperopt import HyperOptSearch
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

def train_func(config):
    # read sklearn data
    data = load_breast_cancer(as_frame=True)
    train = data.data
    train["class"] = data.target
    train_data, valid_data = train_test_split(train, random_state=2023, test_size=0.2)
    features = train_data.columns.tolist()
    x_train, y_train = train_data[features], train_data["class"]
    x_valid, y_valid = valid_data[features], valid_data["class"]
    # catboost
    algo = CatBoostClassifier(**config)
    algo.fit(x_train, y_train)
    y_pred = algo.predict(x_valid)
    f1 = f1_score(y_valid, y_pred)
    return {"f1": f1}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    os.environ["TUNE_MAX_PENDING_TRIALS_PG"] = "3"
    ray.init(num_cpus=3, include_dashboard=True, dashboard_host="")

    search_space = {
        "learning_rate": tune.uniform(5e-3, 0.29),
        "depth": tune.randint(5, 8),
        "l2_leaf_reg": tune.randint(1, 5),
    searcher = HyperOptSearch(search_space, metric="f1", mode="max")

    tuner = tune.Tuner(
        tune_config=tune.TuneConfig(metric="f1", mode="max", search_alg=searcher,
                                    num_samples=100, time_budget_s=600,
    result = tuner.fit()




Hi @zmin1217 , the num_cpus you specified for ray tune is logical resources for scheduling purpose. It’s possible that your training function use more physical cpu resources.

more details: Resources — Ray 2.23.0

@yunxuanx , as Resouce - Ray 2.23.0 says, Task f uses 5 logical cpus, but physical cpu resources is not controlled by Ray, and don’t need to have 1-to-1 mapping with physical resources.

  1. What is the meaning of logical logical resouces(cpu, memory), as not 1-to-1 mapping with physical resources.
  2. Is there a way to control it, because ray use all cpu resouces, leads to cannot run other tasks. and i have tried using tune.with_resources(trainable, resouces={"cpu":1}), but it doesn’t work.
  1. What is the meaning of logical logical resouces(cpu, memory), as not 1-to-1 mapping with physical resources.

It means allocating x logical cpus doesn’t means it isolates x physical cpus for execution, the ray task can still have access to all cpus.

Is there a way to control it, because ray use all cpu resouces, leads to cannot run other tasks

Currently ray does not provide native way to isolate physical resources. To limit the num cpus it uses, you should make sure your training function is single threaded, thus using exactly 1 cpu.

It means allocating x logical cpus doesn’t means it isolates x physical cpus for execution, the ray task can still have access to all cpus.

Then Why need the logical cpu? I can set 5 cpus or 10 cpus or 100cpus freely, even a larger number, as whatever how much I set, it will use all CPUs.

Yes, the logical cpu is more for scheduling purpose. This can limit the number of actors/tasks users launched on a node. Ray doesn’t have hardware-level isolation to limit the number of cpu an actor use.