C++ Example is not working at multi node cluster

How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?

  • High: It blocks me to complete my task.

Couter example is not working on my 2-node ray cluster. Below is my setup:

  • 2 node ray cluster provisioned in AWS EKS, 1 head node and 1 worker node.
  • on my macos, kubectl port-forward is configured at port 10001.
  • Built example.so and library-api.so linux container and copy to both head node and worker node.
  • Ran Counter example binary from my mac and below is the code.
    ray::RayConfig config;
    config.address = "";
    ... ...


[2025-02-25 17:20:24,593 I 58323 10855964] gcs_client.cc:98: GcsClient has no Cluster ID set, and won't fetch from GCS.
[2025-02-25 17:20:24,596 C 58323 10855964] process_helper.cc:109:  Check failed: status Status not OK: RpcError: RPC Error message: Method not found!; RPC Error details:
*** StackTrace Information ***
0   libray_api.so                       0x0000000103a66138 _ZN3raylsERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEERKNS_10StackTraceE + 84 ray::operator<<()
1   libray_api.so                       0x0000000103a69688 _ZN3ray6RayLogD2Ev + 84 ray::RayLog::~RayLog()
2   libray_api.so                       0x0000000102ee09e4 _ZN3ray8internal13ProcessHelper8RayStartENSt3__18functionIFNS_6StatusERKNS_3rpc7AddressENS5_8TaskTypeENS2_12basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEERKNS_4core11RayFunctionERKNS2_13unordered_mapISF_dNS2_4hashISF_EENS2_8equal_toISF_EENSD_INS2_4pairIKSF_dEEEEEERKNS2_6vectorINS2_10shared_ptrINS_9RayObjectEEENSD_ISZ_EEEERKNSW_INS5_15ObjectReferenceENSD_IS14_EEEERSQ_S19_PNSW_INSP_INS_8ObjectIDESZ_EENSD_IS1B_EEEES1E_PNSW_INSP_IS1A_bEENSD_IS1F_EEEERNSX_INS_17LocalMemoryBufferEEEPbPSF_RKNSW_INS_16ConcurrencyGroupENSD_IS1O_EEEESF_bbbxEEE + 3668 ray::internal::ProcessHelper::RayStart()
3   libray_api.so                       0x0000000102e9d99c _ZN3ray8internal18AbstractRayRuntime6DoInitEv + 120 ray::internal::AbstractRayRuntime::DoInit()
4   libray_api.so                       0x0000000102e84f54 _ZN3ray4InitERNS_9RayConfigE + 60 ray::Init()
5   example                             0x0000000100ba3f30 main + 152 main
6   dyld                                0x0000000199d20274 start + 2840 start

Seems the error happened during Init and have not reached locating dynamic libs. Can I get any help here. Thanks!

BTW, I read this question C++ Examples not works well and still can’t make it working.

Now I execute the binary on the header node and got a new error.

src/ray/raylet/worker_pool.cc:1546 (PID: 67, TID: 67, errno: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)): Check failed: state != states_by_lang_.end() Required Language isn't supported: CPP

Could someone help me understand why. We use ray daily image. Does it mean any configurations missing when deploy or starting ray cluster?