A user asked:
We working on a project where we’re trying to see if the C++ Experimental API version of Ray can be extended to work with secure enclaves (e.g. Intel SGX). We ran into a problem where when trying to run the instructions here in the C++ tab: What is Ray? — Ray v2.0.0.dev0 ; looks like the code segfaults on line 67 in example.cc (ray/example.cc at master · ray-project/ray · GitHub):
int task_result1 = *(Ray::Get(task_obj));
Looks like the immediately previous line is failing somehow:
auto task_obj = Ray::Task(Return1).Remote();
Both my friend and I ran the code on separate machines and saw the same issue occur. We were wondering if this is a known issue, and whether there were any fixes available. If you (or anyone else) can help provide some insight, that would be very appreciated.