How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
- Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.
Hi all, I first set a local Ray Cluster with ray start --head --ray-debugger-external
, then I use the following code snippet for a Ray Serve Deployment.
app = FastAPI()
ray.init(address="auto", namespace="serve")
@serve.deployment(route_prefix="/api1", num_replicas=1)
class FastAPIWrapper1:
async def method(self):
a = 7
return "Hello 1!"
After sending a request to the endpoint, I could see this info in Ray Dashboard: RemotePdb session open at, use 'ray debug' to connect...
. But I could not see any breakpoint index after inputting ray debug
in terminal, how should I solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.