I’m trying to run the following model class using map_batches but I get a pickling error, my model that was exported as a C++ dynamic shared library can’t be pickled.
2024-04-29 21:31:34,948 INFO worker.py:1749 -- Started a local Ray instance.
(36, 1024, 1024)
2024-04-29 19:31:23,827 INFO streaming_executor.py:112 -- Starting execution of Dataset. Full logs are in /tmp/ray/session_2024-04-29_19-27-04_177025_7517/logs/ray-data
2024-04-29 19:31:23,827 INFO streaming_executor.py:113 -- Execution plan of Dataset: InputDataBuffer[Input] -> LimitOperator[limit=20]
- limit=20 1: 0%
0/12 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Running 0: 0%
0/12 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
(12, 36, 1024, 1024)
(36, 1024, 1024)
2024-04-29 20:11:26,574 INFO streaming_executor.py:112 -- Starting execution of Dataset. Full logs are in /tmp/ray/session_2024-04-29_20-02-05_179416_32477/logs/ray-data
2024-04-29 20:11:26,574 INFO streaming_executor.py:113 -- Execution plan of Dataset: InputDataBuffer[Input] -> TaskPoolMapOperator[Map(deserialize_and_convert)] -> LimitOperator[limit=20]
- limit=20: 0 active, 0 queued, [cpu: 0.0, objects: 36.0MB]: 92%
11/12 [00:09<00:00, 1.53it/s]
Running: 1/12.0 CPU, 0/1.0 GPU, 72.0MB/4.4GB object_store_memory: 92%
11/12 [00:09<00:00, 1.53it/s]
(12, 36, 1024, 1024)
2024-04-29 21:34:31,514 INFO streaming_executor.py:112 -- Starting execution of Dataset. Full logs are in /tmp/ray/session_2024-04-29_21-31-33_294023_97768/logs/ray-data
2024-04-29 21:34:31,514 INFO streaming_executor.py:113 -- Execution plan of Dataset: InputDataBuffer[Input] -> TaskPoolMapOperator[Map(deserialize_and_convert)] -> ActorPoolMapOperator[MapBatches(MyPredictor)] -> LimitOperator[limit=20]
2024-04-29 21:34:31,536 ERROR exceptions.py:73 -- Exception occurred in Ray Data or Ray Core internal code. If you continue to see this error, please open an issue on the Ray project GitHub page with the full stack trace below: https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/new/choose
SystemException Traceback (most recent call last)
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/jovyan/work/notebooks/ray-dataloader.ipynb Cell 9 line 1
----> 1 pred = result.take_batch()
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/data/dataset.py:2320, in Dataset.take_batch(self, batch_size, batch_format)
2317 limited_ds = self.limit(batch_size)
2319 try:
-> 2320 res = next(
2321 iter(
2322 limited_ds.iter_batches(
2323 batch_size=batch_size,
2324 prefetch_batches=0,
2325 batch_format=batch_format,
2326 )
2327 )
2328 )
2329 except StopIteration:
2330 raise ValueError("The dataset is empty.")
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/data/iterator.py:162, in DataIterator.iter_batches.<locals>._create_iterator()
157 time_start = time.perf_counter()
158 # Iterate through the dataset from the start each time
159 # _iterator_gen is called.
160 # This allows multiple iterations of the dataset without
161 # needing to explicitly call `iter_batches()` multiple times.
--> 162 block_iterator, stats, blocks_owned_by_consumer = self._to_block_iterator()
164 iterator = iter(
165 iter_batches(
166 block_iterator,
177 )
178 )
180 dataset_tag = self._get_dataset_tag()
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/data/_internal/iterator/iterator_impl.py:33, in DataIteratorImpl._to_block_iterator(self)
25 def _to_block_iterator(
26 self,
27 ) -> Tuple[
30 bool,
31 ]:
32 ds = self._base_dataset
---> 33 block_iterator, stats, executor = ds._plan.execute_to_iterator()
34 ds._current_executor = executor
35 return block_iterator, stats, False
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/data/exceptions.py:86, in omit_traceback_stdout.<locals>.handle_trace(*args, **kwargs)
84 raise e.with_traceback(None)
85 else:
---> 86 raise e.with_traceback(None) from SystemException()
TypeError: Could not serialize the put value <ray.data._internal.execution.operators.map_transformer.MapTransformer object at 0x7ef1c0785fc0>:
Checking Serializability of <ray.data._internal.execution.operators.map_transformer.MapTransformer object at 0x7ef1c0785fc0>
!!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle 'torch._C._aoti.AOTIModelContainerRunnerCuda' object
Serializing '_init_fn' <function _parse_op_fn.<locals>.init_fn at 0x7ef1c4167b50>...
!!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle 'torch._C._aoti.AOTIModelContainerRunnerCuda' object
Detected 1 global variables. Checking serializability...
Serializing 'ray' <module 'ray' from '/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/__init__.py'>...
Detected 3 nonlocal variables. Checking serializability...
Serializing 'fn_constructor_args' ()...
Serializing 'fn_constructor_kwargs' {}...
Serializing 'op_fn' <class 'ray.data._internal.execution.util.make_callable_class_concurrent.<locals>._Wrapper'>...
!!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle 'torch._C._aoti.AOTIModelContainerRunnerCuda' object
Serializing '__call__' <function make_callable_class_concurrent.<locals>._Wrapper.__call__ at 0x7ef1c4167490>...
!!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle 'torch._C._aoti.AOTIModelContainerRunnerCuda' object
Serializing '_init_fn' <function _parse_op_fn.<locals>.init_fn at 0x7ef1c4167b50>...
!!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle 'torch._C._aoti.AOTIModelContainerRunnerCuda' object
Detected 1 global variables. Checking serializability...
Serializing 'ray' <module 'ray' from '/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/__init__.py'>...
Detected 3 nonlocal variables. Checking serializability...
Serializing 'fn_constructor_args' ()...
Serializing 'fn_constructor_kwargs' {}...
Serializing 'op_fn' <class 'ray.data._internal.execution.util.make_callable_class_concurrent.<locals>._Wrapper'>...
!!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle 'torch._C._aoti.AOTIModelContainerRunnerCuda' object
Serializing '__call__' <function make_callable_class_concurrent.<locals>._Wrapper.__call__ at 0x7ef1c4167490>...
!!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle 'torch._C._aoti.AOTIModelContainerRunnerCuda' object
FailTuple(__call__ [obj=<function make_callable_class_concurrent.<locals>._Wrapper.__call__ at 0x7ef1c4167490>, parent=<class 'ray.data._internal.execution.util.make_callable_class_concurrent.<locals>._Wrapper'>])
FailTuple(__call__ [obj=<function make_callable_class_concurrent.<locals>._Wrapper.__call__ at 0x7ef1c4167490>, parent=<class 'ray.data._internal.execution.util.make_callable_class_concurrent.<locals>._Wrapper'>])
was found to be non-serializable. There may be multiple other undetected variables that were non-serializable.
Consider either removing the instantiation/imports of these variables or moving the instantiation into the scope of the function/class.
Check https://docs.ray.io/en/master/ray-core/objects/serialization.html#troubleshooting for more information.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this error message, please reach out to the Ray developers on github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/
My model class is below
import torch
class MyPredictor:
def __init__(self):
from .utils import load_s3_model
self.model = load_s3_model("s3://mymodelhub/aot_inductor_gpu_tensor_cores.zip", "cuda")
def __call__(self, batch):
inputs = torch.from_numpy(batch).to("cuda").float() / 255
with torch.no_grad():
prediction = model(inputs)[0][0]
if len(prediction.shape) == 4 and prediction.shape[1] > 1:
output = torch.nn.functional.softmax(prediction, dim=1)
elif len(prediction.shape) == 4 and prediction.shape[1] == 1:
output = torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(prediction)
raise ValueError(f"Model output shape {prediction.shape} not supported")
return output.cpu().detach().numpy()
Why can’t the torch._C._aoti.AOTIModelContainerRunnerCuda
object be serialized? For reference, I created this model with AOTInductor, which is new in Pytorch 2.2 AOTInductor: Ahead-Of-Time Compilation for Torch.Export-ed Models — PyTorch main documentation. I can’t use a different model format, AOTInductor is necessary for easily deploying the model in a a runtime I don’t have a lot of control over.