Why do my tune runs have the same outputs across all iterations?

I’m trying to use tune.Tuner with Rllib but all metric outputs are showing.

Here’s some knowledge about my setup and what I’ve tried.

  • I’m using the nightly version of Ray
  • The environment is subclassed from Gymnasium 0.27.1
  • I’ve activated the environment checker and no errors show up
  • I’ve tried different hypermeters but the outcome is the same.
  • I’ve tried different Tuner Config
  • I’m using metrics ‘episode_rewards’ with the mode set to ‘max’
  • Exploration is set to True

I’m not sure if there’s something with the environment not taking steps or it’s the tuner configurations with issues.

Can anyone advise on this?

Hi @grizzlybearg,

Could you share some more details about the training script you’re using?

Is your environment deterministic, and have you set a seed for training? Which hyperparameters are you tuning over?


So this is part of my code… I’ve been trying many config options. The lines that have been commented out are those that were inactive as per my last trial that produced the jupyter cell output in the image above.

I’m relatively new to Ray so you have to excuse some of the comments in the code as they are my notes to understand Rllib.

The env is non-deterministic but I haven’t setup a random seed

self.env_train_config = {
  "type": "train",
  "window_size": 100,
  "min_periods": 30,
  #"render_env": True,
  "log_name": self.log_name,
  "log_dir": self.log_dir,

self.agent = ppo.PPO
self.algo_name = "PPO_1"
self.create_env = create_env

self.exploration_config = {
  # The Exploration class to use
  "type": EpsilonGreedy,
  # Config for the Exploration class' constructor:
  "initial_epsilon": 1.0,
  "final_epsilon": 0.01,
  "epsilon_timesteps": 1000,   # Timesteps over which to anneal epsilon.
  "warmup_timesteps": 300

self.search_space = {
  "LR" : 5e-5,
  "GAMMA" : 0.99,
  "LAMBDA" : 1.0,
  "VF_LOSS_COEFF" : 1.0,
  "ENTROPY_COEFF" : 0.0,
  "KL_COEF" : 0.2,
  "KL_TARGET" : 0.01,
  "CLIP_PARAM" : 0.3,
  "VF_CLIP_PARAM" : 10.0,
self.algo = (
    framework = "tf2",
    eager_tracing = False)
    #logger_creator = None,
    #logger_config = None,
    log_level = "ERROR",
    log_sys_usage = True,
    #fake_sampler = False,
    #seed = 0,
    #worker_cls = None
    #sample_collector = None,
    #sample_async = False,
    #enable_connectors = False
    #rollout_fragment_length = None, # int | str | None = NotProvided
    #batch_mode = 'complete_episodes',
    #remote_worker_envs = False,
    #remote_env_batch_wait_ms = None, # float | None = NotProvided
    #validate_workers_after_construction = False,
    #recreate_failed_workers = False,
    #restart_failed_sub_environments = False,
    #num_consecutive_worker_failures_tolerance = None, # int | None = NotProvided
    #preprocessor_pref = None, # str | None = NotProvided
    observation_filter = "MeanStdFilter",
    #synchronize_filter = False,
    #compress_observations = False,
    #enable_tf1_exec_eagerly = False,
    #sampler_perf_stats_ema_coef = None, # float | None = NotProvided
    #worker_health_probe_timeout_s = None, # int = NotProvided,
    #worker_restore_timeout_s = None, # int = NotProvided,
    evaluation_interval = self.evaluation_frequency,
    #evaluation_duration = None, # ValueError: must be an int and >0!
    evaluation_duration_unit = "episodes",
    #evaluation_sample_timeout_s = 180,
    evaluation_parallel_to_training = False,
    evaluation_config = self.env_train_config,
    #off_policy_estimation_methods = False, # See Notes in Next Cell
    ope_split_batch_by_episode = False,
    evaluation_num_workers = 1,
    #custom_evaluation_function = None,
    always_attach_evaluation_results = False,
    enable_async_evaluation = False)
  .callbacks(callbacks_class = RecordNetWorthCallback)
    explore = True,
    #exploration_config = self.exploration_config # Dict
    keep_per_episode_custom_metrics = False,
    metrics_num_episodes_for_smoothing = 60,
    # Below options give explicit instructions to agent to go above limit
    min_time_s_per_iteration = 1,
    min_train_timesteps_per_iteration = 1,
    min_sample_timesteps_per_iteration = 1,)
    export_native_model_files = False, # Bool # Used to restore just the NN models
    checkpoint_trainable_policies_only = False) # Bool
    env_config= self.env_train_config,
    #observation_space = None,
    #action_space = None,
    #env_task_fn = None,
    render_env = True,
    #clip_rewards = False,
    #normalize_actions = True,
    clip_actions = False,
    #disable_env_checking = True,
    #auto_wrap_old_gym_envs = True,
    # Override some of AlgorithmConfig's default values with my values.
    gamma= self.search_space["GAMMA"],
    lr = self.search_space["LR"],
    train_batch_size = 1000,
    model= {
      #"_use_default_native_models": True,
      "use_lstm": True,
      "lstm_cell_size": 100,
      "fcnet_hiddens": [20,20],
      "fcnet_activation": "relu",
      'vf_share_layers': True,
      'lstm_use_prev_action': False,
      'lstm_use_prev_reward': False
    #optimizer = {},
    max_requests_in_flight_per_sampler_worker = None,
    #rl_trainer_class = ppo.PPOTrainer,
    #_enable_rl_trainer_api = False,

    # Set PPO RL Trainer HPs
    kl_coeff = self.search_space["KL_COEF"],
    kl_target = self.search_space["KL_TARGET"],
    use_critic = True,
    clip_param = self.search_space["CLIP_PARAM"],
    vf_clip_param = self.search_space["VF_CLIP_PARAM"],
    entropy_coeff = self.search_space["ENTROPY_COEFF"],
    #entropy_coeff = 10,
    vf_loss_coeff = self.search_space["VF_LOSS_COEFF"],

    # Experimental PPO Trainer HPs
    #lr_schedule = lr_schedule,
    entropy_coeff_schedule = None,

    # PPO Config Specific HPs
    use_gae = True,
    lambda_ = self.search_space["LAMBDA"],
    sgd_minibatch_size = 128,
    num_sgd_iter = 30,
    shuffle_sequences = False, # Unsure I want this for time series data
    grad_clip = None,
stopper = CombinedStopper(
    NetWorthstopper(net_worth_mean=self.net_worth_threshold, patience=self.patience),

stopper1 = {
    "training_iteration": 10,
    "timesteps_total": 2500,
    "episode_reward_mean": 150,

checkpointer = CheckpointConfig(
  num_to_keep= 5, 
  #checkpoint_score_attribute= None, # str | None 
  #checkpoint_score_order= MAX, # str, 
  checkpoint_frequency= 1, 
  checkpoint_at_end= True)

failure_check = FailureConfig(
  max_failures= 0,
  fail_fast= False)

sync_config = SyncConfig(
  #upload_dir = None, 
  syncer = "auto", 
  sync_period = DEFAULT_SYNC_PERIOD, 
  sync_timeout = DEFAULT_SYNC_TIMEOUT, 
  sync_on_checkpoint = True)

progress = ProgressReporter()


# train an agent
analysis = tune.Tuner(
  trainable= "PPO",
  param_space= self.algo.to_dict(),
  tune_config= tune.TuneConfig(
    mode = 'max',
    metric= "episode_reward_mean",
    #search_alg= None, 
    #scheduler= None, 
    num_samples=  10, 
    max_concurrent_trials= 1, 
    #time_budget_s = None, 
    reuse_actors = False, 
    #trial_name_creator = None,
    #trial_dirname_creator = None, 
    chdir_to_trial_dir = True),
  run_config= air.RunConfig(
    name= self.algo_name, 
    #local_dir = None, 
    #callbacks= callbacks, 
    stop= stopper1,
    failure_config= failure_check, 
    #sync_config= sync_config, 
    checkpoint_config = checkpointer, 
    #progress_reporter = progress, 
    verbose = 1, 
    log_to_file = True
  #_tuner_kwargs = None, # Dict
  #_tuner_internal= None # TunerInternal

print(f"Best Trail log directory: {analysis.get_best_result()}")

taken = time.time() - start
print(f"Time taken: {taken:.2f} seconds.")

self.best_logdir = analysis.get_best_result().checkpoint

Is this enough info?

It looks like you are not tuning over any hyperparameters in your code here. Everything is a constant that pulls from self.search_space. You’ll want to use Tune’s search space API to define a random/grid search: Tune Search Space API — Ray 3.0.0.dev0.

Can you visualize/log your environment states as training is happening? It looks like even with random actions, the policies are being trained on the same data. Could you also post a snippet of what your custom environment looks like?

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Thanks for the advice. The reason I was using constants is because I wanted to be systematic about learning Rllib - in this case first understand Tuner and get it to run, then try hyperparameter tuning.

I decided to pick this approach because every time there’s a tune run, a tensoflow error shows up. I
I’ve tried debugging but I’m not sure what’s causing it. Here’s some context:

  • I’m using tensorflow 2.11
  • I’m using Optuna as the searcher

So, all the runs end up with the following error tracing from tensorflow:
_result = pywrap_tfe.TFE_Py_FastPathExecute(
TypeError: Cannot convert 1.0 to EagerTensor of dtype int64

For an unknown reason, the runs still output some results despite the error as shown in the image below:

Could you advise me on what’s causing this?

@arturn Any ideas what is happening here? Does RLlib shuffle trajectory data automatically during PPO training?

@grizzlybearg The script you posted is not complete, it appears to be missing something.
Can you post something that is executable as-is, please?
The error you are referring to might have happened after the first metrics made their way into the reporting. It’s hard to say without reproducing.