What are the recommended way to read video files into the ray?

Hey there!
What are the recommended way to read video files into the ray? i.e. mp4 file
I have a mp4 videos to be preprocessed using ray data framework and I want to extract one frame per second from the raw mp4 files. Can you help me with where to start to do that?

Answered already on Slack but reposting here incase others are wondering:

If you’re running Ray on Anyscale, use the VideoDatasource API: Video API | Anyscale Docs.

If you’re running open source Ray, implement a custom datasource. Here’s a relevant guide: Advanced: Read and Write Custom File Types — Ray 2.9.3. You can use GitHub - dmlc/decord: An efficient video loader for deep learning with smart shuffling that's super easy to digest to iteratively read video frames.

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