How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
- High: It blocks me to complete my task.
I’m using xgboost_ray package to train an xgboost model.
The data is loaded from ray.Dataset to RayDMatrix. I’m giving 2 actors and 1 cpu per actor as RayParams.
def load_data(path: str) -> RayDMatrix:
ds =
label_col = ds.schema().names[-1] # User needs to ensure that the last column is the label column
return RayDMatrix(ds, label=label_col)
The path is a directory in google cloud storage. The training process:
@remote(num_cpu=1, max_task_retries=3, max_restarts=3)
def MyTrainer:
def training_pipeline():
train_dtrain = load_data("gs://my_bucket/my_dir_with_parquet_files")
xgb_reg_model = xgboost_ray.train(param, train_dtrain, RayParams(num_actors=2, cpus_per_actor=1), early_stopping_rounds=int(param['early_stopping_rounds']), num_boost_round=int(param['n_estimators']), evals=[(train_dtrain, 'train')],
evals_result=result, verbose_eval=True, xgb_model=model)
my_trainer_instance = MyTrainer()
ray_ref = my_training_instance.training_pipeline.remote()
Got the error:
INFO:__main__:ray job finished with state: FAILED
error trace back: Job failed due to an application error, last available logs (truncated to 20,000 chars):
File "/home/ray/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xgboost_ray/", line 1598, in train
bst, train_evals_result, train_additional_results = _train(
File "/home/ray/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xgboost_ray/", line 1134, in _train
File "/home/ray/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xgboost_ray/", line 884, in assert_enough_shards_for_actors
File "/home/ray/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xgboost_ray/", line 569, in assert_enough_shards_for_actors
raise RuntimeError(
RuntimeError: Trying to shard data for 2 actors, but the maximum number of shards is 1. If you want to shard the dataset by rows, conside
r centralized loading by passing `distributed=False` to the `RayDMatrix`. Otherwise consider using fewer actors or re-partitioning your d
I understood my error since there is only one parquet file in my directory. :
Centralized loading is used when you pass centralized in-memory dataframes, such as Pandas dataframes ... such as a single CSV or Parquet file.
What if I first read the file into a ray Dataset and then load it into RayDMatrix? Does it still use centralised loading? -
It seems that it’s required to give a list of file names to enable distributed loading, even if a directory contains multiple parquet files is given, it’s still using centralised data loading.
Should I directly read parquet files to RayDMatrix instead of using RayDataset as intermediate? However since I don’t know the label_col before hand, I used ray dataset to get the column names.
Does centralized loading mean that it will require more memory or is it slower? And if using centralized loading, how many shards will the head node create, is it the number of actors given in the train func?
What is the relationship between the cpu_per_actor and the resource requested by the ray actor (MyTrainer) which contains the training logic, where I have the
If I useRayParams(num_actors=2, cpus_per_actor=1)
in the train function and@remote(num_cpu=1)
on the MyTrainer, it seems that in total 3 actors are created. What would be the logical resource required to schedule this training job? 3 cpus?
- Another thing I noticed was that scaling up was triggered at almost the end of the training job, it scaled up to 5 worker nodes from 1 worker node, although there is enough cpus on my worker node. And all the new workers got killed very quickly since the training job is done. It seemed that it was retrying something? Any suggestions to avoid the unneeded scale up?
103e[2me[36m(_RemoteRayXGBoostActor pid=1050, ip=[0m 2023-07-07 08:31:31,139 INFO -- Training in progress (31 seconds since last restart).
And I noticed there is one task that failed in each of the training actors.