Train centralized_critic PPO and PPO at the same time

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Train centralized critic PPO and PPO at the same time

First of all, my ray version is 0.8.6, which is probably out of date. I have two types of agents in my environment, I need to train them in the same environment at the same time,
they have different observation space and action space, before I trained them with a PPO, now I want to train one of them with a centralized critic PPO and train the other agent with PPO.
I tried the following method, first, I modeled to write a centralized critic PPO, my code is as follows:

import tensorflow as tf
from import TFModelV2
from import FullyConnectedNetwork
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override
from ray.rllib.evaluation.postprocessing import compute_advantages, Postprocessing
from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch
import numpy as np
from ray.rllib.agents.ppo.ppo_tf_policy import ppo_surrogate_loss as tf_loss
from ray.rllib.agents.ppo.ppo_tf_policy import PPOTFPolicy, KLCoeffMixin
from ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy import LearningRateSchedule, EntropyCoeffSchedule
from ray.rllib.utils.tf_ops import make_tf_callable
from ray.rllib.utils.explained_variance import explained_variance
from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf

tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf()

class CentralizedCriticModel(TFModelV2):
    """Multi-agent model that implements a centralized value function."""

    def __init__(self, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name):
        super(CentralizedCriticModel, self).__init__(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name)
        # Base of the model
        self.model = FullyConnectedNetwork(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name)

        # Central VF maps (obs, opp_obs) -> vf_pred
        obs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(obs_space.shape[0], ), name="obs")
        other_obs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(obs_space.shape[0] * 1, ), name="other_obs")
        concat_obs = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([obs, other_obs])

        central_vf_dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(190, activation=tf.nn.tanh, name="c_vf_dense")(concat_obs)
        central_vf_out = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation=None, name="c_vf_out")(central_vf_dense)
        self.central_vf = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[obs, other_obs], outputs=central_vf_out)

    def forward(self, input_dict, state, seq_lens):
        return self.model.forward(input_dict, state, seq_lens)

    def central_value_function(self, obs, other_obs):
        return tf.reshape(self.central_vf([obs, other_obs]), [-1])

    def value_function(self):
        return self.model.value_function()

def centralized_critic_postprocessing(policy, sample_batch, other_agent_batches=None, episode=None):
    if other_agent_batches:
        neighbor_batches = list(other_agent_batches.values())
        other_obs = np.concatenate([batch[1][SampleBatch.CUR_OBS] for batch in neighbor_batches], axis=1)
		for i, (agent_id, neighbor) in enumerate(neighbor_batches):
            print(f"Neighbor batch index {i}, agent ID {agent_id} dimensions: {neighbor[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS].shape}")
        sample_batch["neighbor_obs"] = other_obs
        sample_batch[SampleBatch.VF_PREDS] = policy.compute_central_vf(sample_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS], other_obs)
        sample_batch["neighbor_obs"] = np.zeros_like(sample_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS])
        sample_batch[SampleBatch.VF_PREDS] = np.zeros_like(sample_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS])

    last_r = sample_batch[SampleBatch.VF_PREDS][-1] if not sample_batch["dones"][-1] else 0.0
    return compute_advantages(sample_batch, last_r, policy.config["gamma"], policy.config["lambda"], use_gae=policy.config["use_gae"])

def loss_with_central_critic(policy, model, dist_class, train_batch):
    vf_saved = model.value_function
    model.value_function = lambda: policy.model.central_value_function(train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS], train_batch["neighbor_obs"])
    policy._central_value_out = model.value_function()
    loss = tf_loss(policy, model, dist_class, train_batch)
    model.value_function = vf_saved
    return loss

class CentralizedValueMixin:
    def __init__(self):
        self.compute_central_vf = make_tf_callable(self.get_session())(self.model.central_value_function)

def setup_tf_mixins(policy, obs_space, action_space, config):
    KLCoeffMixin.__init__(policy, config)
    EntropyCoeffSchedule.__init__(policy, config["entropy_coeff"], config["entropy_coeff_schedule"])
    LearningRateSchedule.__init__(policy, config["lr"], config["lr_schedule"])

def central_vf_stats(policy, train_batch, grads):
    return {
        "vf_explained_var": explained_variance(

CCPPOTFPolicy = PPOTFPolicy.with_updates(
    mixins=[LearningRateSchedule, EntropyCoeffSchedule, KLCoeffMixin, CentralizedValueMixin]

Then the two policies are mapped to different agents in the policy mapping:

POLICY_GRAPHS = {'cav': (PPOTFPolicy, obs_space_av, act_space_av, {}),
                 'tl': (CCPPOTFPolicy, obs_space_tl, act_space_tl, {"model": {"custom_model": "cc_model"}})}

def policy_mapping_fn(agent_id):
    if agent_id.startswith("center"):
        return "tl"
        return "cav"

policies_to_train = ["cav", "tl"]

Then use the following training script to train:

import argparse
import json
import sys
from copy import deepcopy

from flow.utils.rllib import FlowParamsEncoder
from flow.utils.registry import make_create_env
from ray.rllib.models import ModelCatalog
from exp_configs.rl.multiagent.centralized_critic_model import CentralizedCriticModel

def parse_args(args):
    """Parse training options user can specify in command line.

        the output parser object
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Parse argument used when running a Flow simulation.",
        epilog="python EXP_CONFIG")

    # required input parameters
        'exp_config', type=str,
        help='Name of the experiment configuration file, as located in '
             'exp_configs/rl/singleagent or exp_configs/rl/multiagent.')

    # optional input parameters
        '--rl_trainer', type=str, default="rllib",
        help='the RL trainer to use. either rllib or Stable-Baselines')

        '--num_cpus', type=int, default=1,
        help='How many CPUs to use')
        '--num_steps', type=int, default=999,
        help='How many total steps to perform learning over')
        '--rollout_size', type=int, default=1000,
        help='How many steps are in a training batch.')
        '--checkpoint_path', type=str, default=None,
        help='Directory with checkpoint to restore training from.')

    return parser.parse_known_args(args)[0]

def setup_exps_rllib(flow_params,
    """Return the relevant components of an RLlib experiment.

    flow_params : dict
        flow-specific parameters (see flow/utils/
    n_cpus : int
        number of CPUs to run the experiment over
    n_rollouts : int
        number of rollouts per training iteration
    policy_graphs : dict, optional
    policy_mapping_fn : function, optional
    policies_to_train : list of str, optional
        set in module in exp_configs/rl/multiagent
        name of the training algorithm
        name of the gym environment to be trained
        training configuration parameters
    from ray import tune
    from ray.tune.registry import register_env
        from ray.rllib.agents.agent import get_agent_class
    except ImportError:
        from ray.rllib.agents.registry import get_agent_class

    horizon = flow_params['env'].horizon

    alg_run = "PPO"

    agent_cls = get_agent_class(alg_run)
    config = deepcopy(agent_cls._default_config)

    config["num_workers"] = n_cpus
    config["train_batch_size"] = horizon * n_rollouts
    config["gamma"] = 0.999  # discount rate
    config["model"].update({"fcnet_hiddens": [32, 32, 32]})
    config["use_gae"] = True
    config["lambda"] = 0.97
    config["kl_target"] = 0.02
    config["num_sgd_iter"] = 10
    config["horizon"] = horizon
    config["num_gpus"] = 3
    config["timesteps_per_iteration"] = horizon * n_rollouts
    config['no_done_at_end'] = True
    config['log_level'] = "ERROR"
    # save the flow params for replay, params.json file
    flow_json = json.dumps(
        flow_params, cls=FlowParamsEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    config['env_config']['flow_params'] = flow_json
    config['env_config']['run'] = alg_run

    # multiagent configuration
    if policy_graphs is not None:
        print("policy_graphs", policy_graphs)
        config['multiagent'].update({'policies': policy_graphs})
    if policy_mapping_fn is not None:
            {'policy_mapping_fn': tune.function(policy_mapping_fn)})
    if policies_to_train is not None:
        config['multiagent'].update({'policies_to_train': policies_to_train})

    create_env, gym_name = make_create_env(params=flow_params)

    # Register as rllib env
    register_env(gym_name, create_env)
    return alg_run, gym_name, config

def train_rllib(submodule, flags):
    """Train policies using the PPO algorithm in RLlib."""
    import ray
    from ray.tune import run_experiments

    flow_params = submodule.flow_params
    n_cpus = submodule.N_CPUS
    n_rollouts = submodule.N_ROLLOUTS
    policy_graphs = getattr(submodule, "POLICY_GRAPHS", None)
    policy_mapping_fn = getattr(submodule, "policy_mapping_fn", None)
    policies_to_train = getattr(submodule, "policies_to_train", None)

    alg_run, gym_name, config = setup_exps_rllib(
        flow_params, n_cpus, n_rollouts,
        policy_graphs, policy_mapping_fn, policies_to_train)

    ray.init(num_cpus=n_cpus + 1)  # , object_store_memory=200 * 1024 * 1024
    exp_config = {
        "run": alg_run,
        "env": gym_name,
        "config": {
        "checkpoint_freq": 5,
        "checkpoint_at_end": True,
        "max_failures": 999,
        "stop": {
            "training_iteration": flags.num_steps,

    if flags.checkpoint_path is not None:
        exp_config['restore'] = flags.checkpoint_path
    run_experiments({flow_params["exp_tag"]: exp_config})

def main(args):
    """Perform the training operations."""
    # Parse script-level arguments (not including package arguments).
    ModelCatalog.register_custom_model("cc_model", CentralizedCriticModel)
    flags = parse_args(args)

    # Import relevant information from the exp_config script.
    module = __import__(
        "exp_configs.rl.singleagent", fromlist=[flags.exp_config])
    module_ma = __import__(
        "exp_configs.rl.multiagent", fromlist=[flags.exp_config])

    # Import the submodule containing the specified exp_config and determine
    # whether the environment is single agent or multiagent.
    if hasattr(module, flags.exp_config):
        submodule = getattr(module, flags.exp_config)
    elif hasattr(module_ma, flags.exp_config):
        submodule = getattr(module_ma, flags.exp_config)
        assert flags.rl_trainer.lower() in ["rllib", "h-baselines"], \
            "Currently, multiagent experiments are only supported through "\
            "RLlib. Try running this experiment using RLlib: " \
            "'python EXP_CONFIG'"
        raise ValueError("Unable to find experiment config.")

    # Perform the training operation.
    train_rllib(submodule, flags)

if __name__ == "__main__":

When trying to train, the following problems arose:

/flow/examples/exp_configs/rl/multiagent/", line 53, in centralized_critic_postprocessing
    other_obs = np.concatenate([batch[1][SampleBatch.CUR_OBS] for batch in neighbor_batches], axis=-1)
  File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 6, in concatenate
ValueError: all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly, but along dimension 0, the array at index 0 has size 200 and the array at index 1 has size 94

By printing information in the centralized_critic_postprocessing function, I find the following information:

(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 0, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.CCPPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60e6676748> dimensions: (200, 27)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 1, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (144, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 2, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (76, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 3, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (40, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 4, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (31, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 5, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (64, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 6, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (84, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 7, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (115, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 8, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (13, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 9, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (33, 9)

In my opinion, this is because agents using PPOTFPolicy enter the centralized_critic_postprocessing function, resulting in dimension mismatch. I think agents using PPOTFPolicy should not enter this function using CC policy. I don’t know why this happens.
I tried something else. By copying, I gave it a try and defined a new trainer, as follows:

def custom_training_workflow(workers: WorkerSet, config: dict):
    local_replay_buffer = LocalReplayBuffer(

    def add_cc_metrics(batch):
        print("CC policy learning on samples from",
              batch.policy_batches.keys(), "env steps", batch.count,
              "agent steps",
        metrics = _get_shared_metrics()
        metrics.counters["agent_steps_trained_CC"] +=
        return batch

    def add_ppo_metrics(batch):
        print("PPO policy learning on samples from",
              batch.policy_batches.keys(), "env steps", batch.count,
              "agent steps",
        metrics = _get_shared_metrics()
        metrics.counters["agent_steps_trained_PPO"] +=
        return batch

    # Generate common experiences.
    rollouts = ParallelRollouts(workers, mode="bulk_sync")
    r1, r2 = rollouts.duplicate(n=2)

    # CC sub-flow.
    cc_train_op = r1.for_each(SelectExperiences(["cc_policy"])) \
        .combine(ConcatBatches(min_batch_size=200)) \
        .for_each(add_cc_metrics) \
        .for_each(StandardizeFields(["advantages"])) \
        .for_each(TrainOneStep(workers, policies=["cc_policy"], num_sgd_iter=10, sgd_minibatch_size=128))

    # PPO sub-flow.
    ppo_train_op = r2.for_each(SelectExperiences(["ppo_policy"])) \
        .combine(ConcatBatches(min_batch_size=200)) \
        .for_each(add_ppo_metrics) \
        .for_each(StandardizeFields(["advantages"])) \
        .for_each(TrainOneStep(workers, policies=["ppo_policy"], num_sgd_iter=10, sgd_minibatch_size=128))

    # Combined training flow
    train_op = Concurrently(
        [cc_train_op, ppo_train_op], mode="async", output_indexes=[1])

    return StandardMetricsReporting(train_op, workers, config)

CustomTrainer = build_trainer(

The new policy is mapped as follows:

    "ppo_policy": (PPOTFPolicy, obs_space_av, act_space_av, {}),
    "cc_policy": (CCPPOTFPolicy, obs_space_tl, act_space_tl, {"model": {"custom_model": "cc_model"}})

def policy_mapping_fn(agent_id):
    # Map a policy in RLlib.
    if agent_id.startswith("center"):
        return "cc_policy"
        return "ppo_policy"

policies_to_train = ["ppo_policy", "cc_policy"]

Then I changed the configuration:

config = deepcopy(PPO_CONFIG)

    config["num_workers"] = n_cpus
    config["train_batch_size"] = horizon * n_rollouts
    config["gamma"] = 0.999  # discount rate
    #config["model"].update({"custom_model": "cc_model", })
    config["model"].update({"fcnet_hiddens": [32, 32, 32]})
    config["use_gae"] = True
    config["lambda"] = 0.97
    config["kl_target"] = 0.02
    config["num_sgd_iter"] = 10
    config["horizon"] = horizon
    config["num_gpus"] = 1
    config["timesteps_per_iteration"] = horizon * n_rollouts
    config['no_done_at_end'] = True
    config['log_level'] = "ERROR"
    # save the flow params for replay, params.json file
    flow_json = json.dumps(
        flow_params, cls=FlowParamsEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    config['env_config']['flow_params'] = flow_json
    #config['env_config']['run'] = alg_run

    # multiagent configuration
    if policy_graphs is not None:
        print("policy_graphs", policy_graphs)
        config['multiagent'].update({'policies': policy_graphs})
    if policy_mapping_fn is not None:
            {'policy_mapping_fn': tune.function(policy_mapping_fn)})
    if policies_to_train is not None:
        config['multiagent'].update({'policies_to_train': policies_to_train})

    create_env, gym_name = make_create_env(params=flow_params)

    # Register as rllib env
    register_env(gym_name, create_env)
    return gym_name, config
exp_config = {
        "run": CustomTrainer,
        "env": gym_name,
        "config": {
        "checkpoint_freq": 5,
        "checkpoint_at_end": True,
        "max_failures": 999,
        "stop": {
            "training_iteration": flags.num_steps,

    if flags.checkpoint_path is not None:
        exp_config['restore'] = flags.checkpoint_path
    run_experiments({flow_params["exp_tag"]: exp_config})

I then made a second attempt and got the same error as the first attempt

ValueError: all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly, but along dimension 0, the array at index 0 has size 200 and the array at index 1 has size 94

The print message is still:

(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 0, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.CCPPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60e6676748> dimensions: (200, 27)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 1, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (144, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 2, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (76, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 3, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (40, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 4, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (31, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 5, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (64, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 6, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (84, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 7, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (115, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 8, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (13, 9)
(pid=18217) Neighbor batch index 9, agent ID <ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.PPOTFPolicy object at 0x7f60d4673550> dimensions: (33, 9)

I’m new to rllib and I want to know what went wrong

By the way, I use the flow framework, not sure if that matters

Hi!@mannyv , I noticed your answer in this question, does the custom model configuration affect all policies, causing the agent to use CC_MODEL when it should use PPOTFPOLICY?

Your v0.8.6 is ridiculously out of date. They have made many large changes to the library in the past couple years. My bet is the code you show here is obsolete. Try starting over on this problem using the latest Ray has to offer.

@starkj Thanks for replying.
If the error is because my version of ray is out of date, then I might try to update it. But since my project is built on this so old version, updating it could be a big job, so if there are other solutions, I might be willing to try them first

I tried to update the RAY version, but there were a lot of compatibility issues. I am new to RAY, and this problem has taken me several weeks. Is there any other possible way to solve my problem? I am looking forward to any suggestions

I’m not entirely sure if this will solve your problem, but when I was building a centralized critic using the old stack API I ran into the issue where one agent could terminate before the other agent which caused observation concatenation issues. I used part of the MARLlib (MARLlib) repo’s idea and did this once I got the raw opponent observation batch:

def align_batch(one_opponent_batch, sample_batch):
    '''Aligns the opponents batches to each other since some may last longer compared to others by padding their observations with zeros
        one_opponent_batch: Goes through all the other agents from the one being processed and aligns them to the sample_batch (current agent)
        sample_batch: The sample batch of data for the current agent       

        The non-current agents' batches aligned to that of the sample_batch
           len(sample_batch['obs']):                   ------------------------            ------------------------
           len(one_opponent_batch['agent_2']['obs']):  --------------               ====>  ------------------------
           len(one_opponent_batch['agent_3']['obs']):  ------------------                  ------------------------

    length_diff = abs(len(sample_batch) - len(one_opponent_batch))
    if length_diff == 0:
        return one_opponent_batch
    elif len(one_opponent_batch) > len(sample_batch):
        one_opponent_batch = one_opponent_batch.slice(0, len(sample_batch))
        start_index = max(0, len(one_opponent_batch) - length_diff)
        padding = one_opponent_batch.slice(start_index, len(one_opponent_batch))
        for _ in range(length_diff // len(padding)):
            one_opponent_batch = one_opponent_batch.concat(padding)
        remainder = length_diff % len(padding)
        if remainder > 0:
            one_opponent_batch = one_opponent_batch.concat(padding.slice(0, remainder))
    return one_opponent_batch

If it’ll help you, I have a basic centralized critic in my repo along with a few that stack observations / actions for gaussian critic models as well: basic_torch_centralized_critic

All the best,

@tlaurie99 Thank you very much for your reply, but it seems to be a little different from mine. I think my main problem lies in: There are two different types of agents, one using CC model and the other not using, both of them enter the function centralized_critic_postprocessing used by CC model, resulting in dimensional errors. Theoretically, the second agent should use the common PPO policy