I am working on a customised gym environment under RLLIB, and the step function of the wrapper returns the following:
return obs, reward, done, {"cus_metric": self.some_customised_metric}
After reading this (Training (tune.Trainable, session.report) — Ray 2.2.0) and this (Training (tune.Trainable, session.report) — Ray 2.2.0) I was under the impression that the following code will pick up the customised metric:
tuner = Tune.Tuner("SAC", tune_config = TuneConfig(
scheduler = ASHAScheduler(metric = "cus_metric", mode = "max"),
But I keep getting the error message:
ValueError: Trial returned a result which did not include the specified metric(s) "acc_value" that "AsyncHyperBandScheduler" expects. Make sure your calls to
tune.report() include the metric, or set the TUNE_DISABLE_STRICT_METRIC_CHECKING environment variable to 1.
Could someone please shed light on this and show me how I can pass the customized metric to ASHAScheduler? Thanks a lot!