Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.
What is the best way to search different environment configurations using Tune?
I found the env_config key, val that can be passed in with the config option of, where a tune.<search> algorithm can be used to search across various settings. However, I’m training a multi-agent environment where the policies need to have the observation and action space given to it before is executed. Currently I’m achieving this by creating a sample environment just before and extracting the sample_env.observation_space and sample_env.action_space.
Unless some input validation or something is happening, I’m assuming the policies only need to know about the shape of the observations/actions. However, if the shape changes with each environment configuration, there is a mismatch between policy and environment and an error is thrown.
sorry I don’t get why you need to create your env before Tune runs.
can you register an env creation function for your env that takes in env_cfg and creates an corresponding env?
I’m passing the policies into the ‘multiagent’ key of the Tune config parameter, and each policy requires observations and actions to be specified beforehand.
I see in that example environment that PolicySpec is being used to initialize the policies. I’m not familiar with this class, so that may hold keys to my issues.