Hello! I am looking for a way to run a list of remote functions but with limited parallelism (N). As soon as a remote function finishes, another remote function should get scheduled until all remote functions have finished. At most N remote functions should be in flight at a time.
In the docs, I found ray.util.multiprocessing.Pool
(Distributed multiprocessing.Pool — Ray v1.9.2), however, running something like Pool(N)
will fail if the cluster does not have N CPUs. Is there a way I can instantiate a Pool with N processes, and have the cluster autoscale to that amount while also processing functions with CPUs that are available?
example pseudo-code
data = [x for x in range(1000)]
# assume cluster has 20 CPUs but can scale up to 100.
pool = Pool(100) # cluster begins to scale to 100 CPUs.
results = pool.imap(f, data)
# cluster runs `f` 1000 times, with at most 100 at the same time.
The other docs I found is to use ray.wait
(Pattern: Using ray.wait to limit the number of in-flight tasks — Ray v1.9.2), but this has a drawback of running in fixed chunks.
My current workaround is to implement ray.wait
with a queue. (I use a PriorityQueue to preserve order). Is there a better way?
def f(index, d):
result = compute(d)
return (index, result)
parallelism = 100
data = [x for x in range(1000)]
finished_results_q = queue.PriorityQueue()
in_progress_runs = set()
index = 0
while index < len(data):
if len(in_progress_runs) < parallelism:
in_progress_runs.add(f.remote(index, data[index]))
index += 1
finished_result_ref, _ = ray.wait(list(in_progress_runs))
for result in ray.get(list(in_progress_runs)):
results = finished_results_q.queue