Route prefix is not respected from serve config yaml file

I generated a yaml file using the below command

 serve build app:app -o config.yaml

In the yaml file I changed the route prefix. Now it looks something like this

- name: PredictionServer
  route_prefix: /predict
  import_path: app:app
  runtime_env: {}
  - name: ModelServer
      engine: hf
      model_path: "path-to-hf-model"

The problem here is my endpoint is available both on as well as Why is it serving with 2 endpoints when I have specified only one in the yaml file? Is there something that needs to be corrected on my side.

This is the code in my file

import ray 
from ray import serve
from starlette.requests import Request

class ModelServer:

    def __init__(self):
        self.dummy_response = "Hello world"

    async def __call__(self, request: Request) -> str: 
        return "Hello world"

app = ModelServer.bind()

Any help is appreciated.

Was using the wrong command got fixed using serve run