How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
- High: It blocks me to complete my task.
Hi, I was trained an agent, but the program was blocked when I was calling trainer.eval()
This is my code:
config = {
'env': 'maze_env',
'gamma': 0.99,
'framework': 'torch',
'num_workers': 1,
'model': {
'custom_model': 'maze_model',
'custom_action_dist': 'maze_model'
'explore': False,
'evaluation_interval': 1,
'evaluation_duration': 1,
trainer = ppo.PPOTrainer(config=config, env='maze_env')
res = trainer.evaluate()
After running, the program is in the following state and stops (for a long time)
2022-04-15 15:17:03,025 WARNING -- Install gputil for GPU system monitoring.
2022-04-15 15:17:03,047 INFO -- Restored on from checkpoint: ./trained_models/maze_v2/checkpoint_000001/checkpoint-1
2022-04-15 15:17:03,047 INFO -- Current state after restoring: {'_iteration': 1, '_timesteps_total': 4000, '_time_total': 11.056960105895996, '_episodes_total': 30}
I want to know which part of me is wrong.
What are the best practices for config of trainer.evaluate()