Does anybody know some complete course or tutorial how to use RLlib?
I didn’t find any video tutorial or blog where all details are explained step by step how to set different distributed training options and how practicaly make python code for it.
I have some skills in:
- General RL knowledge of algorithms
1)Keras and tensorflow
2)basic knowledge of docker and redis
3)I can write from scratch DDQN or DDPG algorithms
but I don’t know how to combine all these things together.
I decided to use some RL framework because training with single agent instance is too slow and manual control of proceses is to complex.
I see that I don’t understand some general concepts of RLlib because even problem is basic task where my checkpoints are stored and how to use them in RLlib (the goal is not to train but to use trained model)
I would like to train env BipedalWalker