[RLlib] GPU performance in rollout.py

I’m trying to evaluate model inference performance in rllib. To do so, I use the rollout.py script to evaluate previously trained PPO models with gym env Pong-v0 and measure this time. I read that rollout.py doesn’t allow parallel execution and that creating more workers doesn’t improve its performance. That’s why looking at many sources I saw that the latest commit for this script ([RLlib] Allow `rllib rollout` to run distributed via evaluation worke… · ray-project/ray@d001af3 · GitHub) included evaluation workers to perform rollouts (in the sense of evaluating a model), so I tried to adapt these scripts (including some timers). I tried both options: first with the rollout.py script form ray 1.2.0 (which calls to agent.compute_action()) and second with the version in the commit that I mentioned before (which calls to agent._evaluate()). In the first option as I realised that increasing the number of workers didn’t improve the performance, I tried to give more resources to the driver (2 GPUs and 8 CPUs) but the timing results reamined the same. In the second option I tried to give more resources to both driver and evaluation workers and I didn’t get any improvement.

So, my questions are:

  • Am I right when considering that rollout.py from ray 1.2.0 doesn’t paralellize tasks and doesn’t make sense to increase number or workers? In this case, should I get time improvements when adding resources to the driver (up to 2 GPUs and 8 CPUs)?
  • When using the version from the mentioned commit, does it make sense to improve evaluation workers resource? Should I observe some improvements whne doing so?
  • Are both versions evaluating the same with the difference that the second one parallelizes tasks?

Thanks you so much in advance for your answers, I’m new to ray and I’m need to know how to properly measure times in model inference for an university project.

P.D.: I show here how I measure time in both options that I mentioned

  • Modified rollout.py from ray 1.2.0
steps = 0
    episodes = 0
    model_times_totals_per_episode = []
    steps_per_episode =[]
    model_times_per_episode = []
    results = []
    while keep_going(steps, num_steps, episodes, num_episodes):
        mapping_cache = {}  # in case policy_agent_mapping is stochastic
        obs = env.reset()
        agent_states = DefaultMapping(
            lambda agent_id: state_init[mapping_cache[agent_id]])
        prev_actions = DefaultMapping(
            lambda agent_id: action_init[mapping_cache[agent_id]])
        prev_rewards = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0.)
        done = False
        reward_total = 0.0
        this_episode_time = 0.0
        steps_this_episode = 0
        model_times_this_episode = []
        results_this_episode = {}
        while not done and keep_going(steps, num_steps, episodes,
            multi_obs = obs if multiagent else {_DUMMY_AGENT_ID: obs}
            action_dict = {}
            for agent_id, a_obs in multi_obs.items():
                if a_obs is not None:
                    policy_id = mapping_cache.setdefault(
                        agent_id, policy_agent_mapping(agent_id))
                    p_use_lstm = use_lstm[policy_id]
                    # Aqui es donde empezamos a aplicar el modelo para ver que accion tomar.
                    t0 = time.time()
                    if p_use_lstm:
                        a_action, p_state, _ = agent.compute_action(
                        agent_states[agent_id] = p_state
                        a_action = agent.compute_action(

                    t1 = time.time()
                    this_episode_time += (t1-t0)
                    a_action = flatten_to_single_ndarray(a_action)
                    action_dict[agent_id] = a_action
                    prev_actions[agent_id] = a_action
            action = action_dict

            action = action if multiagent else action[_DUMMY_AGENT_ID]
            next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
            if multiagent:
                for agent_id, r in reward.items():
                    prev_rewards[agent_id] = r
                prev_rewards[_DUMMY_AGENT_ID] = reward

            if multiagent:
                done = done["__all__"]
                reward_total += sum(
                    r for r in reward.values() if r is not None)
                reward_total += reward
            if not no_render:
            saver.append_step(obs, action, next_obs, reward, done, info)
            steps += 1
            steps_this_episode +=1
            obs = next_obs
        print("Episode #{}: reward: {}".format(episodes, reward_total))
        print("Episode #{}: model_time: {}".format(episodes, this_episode_time))
        print("Episode #{}: steps: {}".format(episodes, steps_this_episode))
        print("Episode #{}: average model time per step: {}".format(episodes, (this_episode_time/steps_this_episode)))
        results_this_episode['total_model_time'] = this_episode_time
        results_this_episode['num_steps'] = steps_this_episode
        results_this_episode['average_model_time_per_step'] = this_episode_time/steps_this_episode
        results_this_episode['reward'] = reward_total
        if done:
            episodes += 1

    print("Episodes times:")
    print("Total model time: {}".format(sum(model_times_totals_per_episode)))
    print("Average model time per episode: {}".format(sum(model_times_totals_per_episode)/episodes))
    print("Average model time per step: {}".format(sum(model_times_totals_per_episode)/sum(steps_per_episode)))
    print("Average steps per episode: {}".format(sum(steps_per_episode)/episodes))
         steps = 0	
         episodes = 0
         model_times_totals_per_episode = []
         steps_per_episode =[]
         results = []	
         while keep_going(steps, num_steps, episodes, num_episodes):	
             results_this_episode = {}
             t0 = time.time()
             eval_result = agent._evaluate()["evaluation"]
             t1 = time.time()
             this_episode_time = (t1-t0)
             # Increase timestep and episode counters.	
             eps = agent.config["evaluation_num_episodes"]	
             episodes += eps	
             steps_this_episode = eps * eval_result["episode_len_mean"]
             steps += eps * eval_result["episode_len_mean"]	
             # Print out results and continue.	
             print("Episode #{}: reward: {}".format(episodes, eval_result["episode_reward_mean"]))	
             print("Episode #{}: model_time: {}".format(episodes, this_episode_time))
             print("Episode #{}: steps: {}".format(episodes, steps_this_episode))
             print("Episode #{}: average model time per step: {}".format(episodes, (this_episode_time/steps_this_episode)))
             results_this_episode['total_model_time'] = this_episode_time
             results_this_episode['num_steps'] = steps_this_episode
             results_this_episode['average_model_time_per_step'] = this_episode_time/steps_this_episode
             results_this_episode['reward'] = eval_result["episode_reward_mean"]
         print("Total model time: {}".format(sum(model_times_totals_per_episode)))
         print("Average model time per episode: {}".format(sum(model_times_totals_per_episode)/episodes))
         print("Average model time per step: {}".format(sum(model_times_totals_per_episode)/sum(steps_per_episode)))
         print("Average steps per episode: {}".format(sum(steps_per_episode)/episodes))

Hey @javigm98 , great question. Yes, we actually do now support parallelism for rollout.py (in current master, not yet in 1.2.0 as you said correctly). We recently changed that and rollout.py always tries to use the “evaluation worker set” of the Trainer for the rollouts. You can set the number of workers for this set via the config keys: num_workers or evaluation_num_workers (for rollouts, these both mean the same thing).

To answer your questions more specifically:

  • Yes (1.2.0 does not support it, current master does); you can add resources by increasing num_cpus_per_worker (default 1) or num_gpus_per_worker (default 0).
  • Yes you should see parallelism going on when you set num_workers>1 OR evaluation_num_workers>1 (again, they are both the same for the rollout.py script).
  • Yes, they both evaluate the same way (given some env and doing sampling/rollouts on this env, then measuring rewards OR a custom evaluation function).

Thank you so much @sven1977 for clarifying these concepts to me. Very useful answer!!