Ray.util.queue WARNING

I am using Ray Queue based on extant examples and I see this WARNING in ray 1.1.0:

WARNING worker.py:1354 -- Using blocking ray.get inside async actor. This blocks the event loop. Please use await on object ref with asyncio.gather if you want to yield execution to the event loop instead.

Does this matter or should I ignore it? My actor that consumes the queue has nothing to do when it waits for an item from the queue in ray.get() ; mentioning the event loop makes me think Ray requires this. The examples for using ray.util.queue did not use the await keyword.

(My workers are getting items from the queue, I just I am not sweeping an important warning under the carpet.)

Can you try newer version of ray? say ray==1.3.0.

Ray 1.3.0 has the same warning, different line number:

WARNING worker.py:1456 -- Using blocking ray.get inside async actor. This blocks the event loop. Please use await on object ref with asyncio.gather if you want to yield execution to the event loop instead.

Looking into it. btw this warning can be ignored :slight_smile:

Thanks for looking at it. The situation (Using blocking ray.get inside async actor) is typical of the ray.util.queue usage.