I am trying to use a hyperband scheduler for hyperparameter tuning on BERT and I have set the following parameters:
def my_hp_space(trail):
from ray import tune
return {
"per_device_train_batch_size": tune.choice([16,32]),
"weight_decay": tune.uniform(0.0, 0.3),
"learning_rate": tune.choice([1e-5, 3e-5, 2e-5, 4e-5,5e-5])
hyperband = HyperBandScheduler(time_attr="training_iteration", metric="eval_acc",mode="max", reduction_factor=3, max_t=27)
best_trail = trainer.hyperparameter_search( hp_space= my_hp_space, direction="maximize", progress_reporter=reporter, backend="ray", resources_per_trial={"cpu": 25, "gpu": 1}, scheduler=hyperband, keep_checkpoints_num=1, local_dir=config_dict["logging"]["hp_tuning"], name="hpband_Anonymized_data_hptuning", log_to_file=True, )
As per the documentation in “Tune Trial Schedulers (tune.schedulers) — Ray 2.8.0” setting max_t i.e R >=200, should result in large number of trails but the trails with hugging face trainer’s hyperparameter search always result in 20 trails.
Can any one suggest how can I alter the parameters for executing more trails using hyperband scheduler? I have tried setting the max_t values to 27, 100, 200, 1000 bu the trails always remain 20