Ray Serving multiple Diffusers models leads to OOM

Hi. I’m interested in running multiple Diffusers models for inference on one GPU without hitting OOM issues.

I tried to modify the Stable Diffusion and FastAPI tutorial (Serving a Stable Diffusion Model — Ray 2.8.0) to be able to serve both SD XL 1.0 and Kandinsky 2.2. The code is below.

Unfortunately, when I start ray serve (serve run app_name:entrypoint &), inference tasks complete for one model (either one), but when I make request to the other model after that, it crashes with OOM. The self.stable_diffusion_xl_1_0 deployment doesn’t release memory, and neither does the kandinsky.

Could anyone help point me at the correct way to release memory from @serve.deployment environments? I tried to make some actors with the @ray.remote syntax instead, but all the ways I tried crashed, so not sure what to do.

    ray_actor_options={"num_cpus": 0, "num_gpus": 0},
    autoscaling_config={"min_replicas": 0, "max_replicas": 1},
class TextToImage:
    def __init__(
        self.stable_diffusion_xl_1_0: DeploymentHandle = (
        self.kandinsky_2_2: DeploymentHandle = kandinsky_2_2_model_handle.options(

    async def generate_for_task(self, task: any):
        inputs = task.get("inputs")
        ai_model = inputs.get("ai_model", "")

        if ai_model == "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0":
            output = await self.stable_diffusion_xl_1_0.generate_for_task.remote(task)
        elif ai_model == "kandinsky-2-2":
            output = await self.kandinsky_2_2.generate_for_task.remote(task)
        print("TextToImage.generate_for_task output", output)
        return output

    ray_actor_options={"num_gpus": 1, "num_cpus": 0},
    autoscaling_config={"min_replicas": 0, "max_replicas": 1},
class StableDiffusionXL_1_0:
    def __init__(

    ray_actor_options={"num_gpus": 1, "num_cpus": 0},
    autoscaling_config={"min_replicas": 0, "max_replicas": 1},
class Kandinsky_2_2:
    def __init__(

class APIIngress:
    def __init__(
        text_to_image_model_handle: DeploymentHandle):
	    self.text_to_image: DeploymentHandle = text_to_image_model_handle.options(

        responses={200: {"content": {"text/plain": {}}}},
    async def generate(self, task_id: str, attempts: int = 0):
	    task = get_task(task_id)
	    output = await self.text_to_image.generate_for_task.remote(task)
	    return Response(content="test success", media_type="text/plain")

sdxl_responder = StableDiffusionXL_1_0.bind()
kandinsky_2_2 = Kandinsky_2_2.bind()
t2i_responder = TextToImage.bind(
    sdxl_responder, kandinsky_2_2

entrypoint = APIIngress.bind(

Thanks for any tips on how to correctly release memory for this use case.

@Tom_Ch Can you provide us with some context?

  1. Your cluster configs
  2. Memory for CPU/GPU
  3. Any further information on Ray Serve metrics on the Ray Dashboard?

cc: @Akshay_Malik (for anyone on the Ray Serve team)

Hi Jules. I’m ssh’ing in to a RTX 3090 machine I rented on vast.ai. I don’t have any cluster configs. GPU has 24gb, CPU as 32gb. I was just calling serve from a bash script:

serve run app_name:entrypoint &

I haven’t figured out how to get an open port using ssh to the dashboard at port 8265. I think my instance wasn’t configured with this port when I started it. Is seeing the dashboard essential?

FYI I made a bug in github here: [Serve] Serving multiple Diffusers models on one GPU leads to OOM · Issue #41432 · ray-project/ray · GitHub It has an example file that may be easier for testing the issue.

Thanks for filing the issue! I followed up there.