Ray serve: no attribute 'add_done_callback'

I try the basic HTTP ingress example of Ray Serve (Key Concepts — Ray 2.8.0), but whenever I launch a post request, I get a AttributeError: ‘ray._raylet.ObjectRef’ object has no attribute ‘add_done_callback’ error (complete stack trace below). This happens in the FastAPI ingress example.

In the raw starlette Request example, I get the error:

TypeError: ‘coroutine’ object is not subscriptable

On this line:

name = await request.json()[“name”]

I use a poetry project in which I have installed the following:

python = “^3.11”
flask = “^2.3.2”
pyopenssl = “^23.1.1”
gunicorn = “^20.1.0”
ray = {extras = [“serve”], version = “^2.4.0”}
requests = “^2.30.0”
fastapi = “^0.95.2”

The Ray server is launched using the command

poetry run serve run --port 4444 --host src.project.model.serve:basic_ingress

Complete stack trace:

(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) ERROR: Exception in ASGI application
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) Traceback (most recent call last):
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) File “/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvicorn/protocols/http/h11_impl.py”, line 428, in run_asgi
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) result = await app( # type: ignore[func-returns-value]
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) File “/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvicorn/middleware/proxy_headers.py”, line 78, in call
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) return await self.app(scope, receive, send)
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) File “/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ray/serve/_private/http_proxy.py”, line 404, in call
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) status_code = await _send_request_to_handle(handle, scope, receive, send)
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) File “/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ray/serve/_private/http_proxy.py”, line 117, in _send_request_to_handle
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) _, request_timed_out = await asyncio.wait(
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) File “/.conda/envs/python3.11/lib/python3.11/asyncio/tasks.py”, line 418, in wait
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) return await _wait(fs, timeout, return_when, loop)
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) File “/.conda/envs/python3.11/lib/python3.11/asyncio/tasks.py”, line 522, in _wait
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) f.add_done_callback(_on_completion)
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(HTTPProxyActor pid=1781699) AttributeError: ‘ray._raylet.ObjectRef’ object has no attribute ‘add_done_callback’

FYI: I solved it by using Python 3.10 instead of Python 3.11…

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Thank you for posting a solution to your problem as well.
Is there maybe a potential solution which supports use of Python 3.11 as well? :slight_smile:

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I see a very similar issue after upgrading to python 3.11.

  • ray: 2.38.0
  • fastapi: 0.94.1
AttributeError: 'DeploymentResponse' object has no attribute 'add_done_callback'

I’m looking more into FastAPI – maybe it’s solved in later versions?

Hi @Oblynx could you post more info on what code you ran, and where you saw this error?

Hey, coming back to this with some extra info.

The object is ray.serve.handle.DeploymentResponse. It ends up raising:

>           f.add_done_callback(_on_completion)
E           AttributeError: 'DeploymentResponse' object has no attribute 'add_done_callback'

/usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/tasks.py:532: AttributeError

Why are we trying to use it this way?
The user code does:

  • await asyncio.wait([coro], timeout=timeout)
  • where coro: ray.serve.handle.DeploymentResponse = model_handle.preprocess.remote(...)
  • where model_handle: ray.serve.handle.DeploymentHandle

Essentially what happens in Python 3.11 is that asyncio.wait calls the method add_done_callback that is defined in the stdlib Task and Future interface.

I currently use this workaround:

if isinstance(coro, DeploymentResponse):
    coro = asyncio.ensure_future(coro)
await asyncio.wait([coro], timeout=timeout)