I would like to use Ray RLlib and Ray Tune so that my FooEnv (which extends MultiAgentEnv) can try different hyper-parameters coming from Ray Tune.
However, I do not see how to register my FooEnv with the set of hyperparameters coming from Tune. Is there any example where I could investigate that?
Hey @XavierM , could you try this?
tune.register_env("my_foo_env", lambda env_ctx: FooEnv(env_ctx)) # <- use env_ctx as a config dict inside your env's c'tor. This is where the tune hyperparams should arrive (see below).
tune.run("PPO", {
"env": "my_foo_env",
"env_config": {
"num_foo_robots": tune.grid_search([2, 4, 42]),
"type_bar_weapons": tune.grid_search(["laser", "light-saber"]),
Does the above make sense?
Yes, this solves what I wanted to do. Thank you so much @sven1977!
With hindsight, I now realise that with more experience I should also have found a part of the answer in https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/doc/source/rllib-env.rst.