Ray Docker Image Python Versions

Hey there,

I’m currently using the nightly-py311-aarch64 Ray Docker image in a project. My assumption was it would be using Python 3.11. However, the python build arg has it pinned at 3.8. I’m assuming I’m missing something?

Hi, I am Lonnie. I work for Anyscale on the “Release and Engineering Efficiency” team.

The ARG you see in the history is the default argument value recorded in the Dockerfile:

When building the image we always overwrite that.

In the actual image, the python version for 311 images are 3.11.x

This is what I run and get this morning:

$ docker run --rm -ti rayproject/ray:nightly-py311-aarch64 python --version
Python 3.11.9

Hope this answers your question.

Hi Lonnie, that’s very helpful thank you! Makes sense.