Ray actor multiple gpu available but only one used

  • High: It blocks me to complete my task.

Hi all, thanks ahead for the help!

My issue is that when I spin up a ray actor with 2 gpus I and then start training, only one GPU is utilized although I see and check in the actor that it has access to two GPU devices.

I am trying to spin up a ray actor with two GPUs as the following:

def initialize_persistent_trainer(
    cfg: DictConfig, logger: Logger, oracle: nn.Module, trial_name: str = None
) -> ray.actor.ActorHandle:
    Initializes the PersistentTrainer Actor.
    logger.info("Initializing PersistentTrainer Actor...")
    name = "persistent_trainer"
    if trial_name:
        name += "_" + trial_name
    trainer_actor = PersistentTrainer.options(
        name=name, max_concurrency=cfg.trainer.get("devices", None), num_gpus=cfg.trainer.get("devices", None)
    ).remote(cfg, logger, oracle)
    logger.info(f"PersistentTrainer Actor initialized with {cfg.trainer.get("devices", None)} GPUs.")
    return trainer_actor

My training in my actor is as the following:

def train(self, dataset: torch.utils.data.Dataset, round_num: int) -> str:
        Train the model with the provided dataset.
        self.loggers = instantiate_loggers(self.cfg.get("logger"))
        self.trainer = setup_lightning_trainer_pytorch_lightning_callbacks(
            self.cfg, self.predictor, self.loggers, round_num
        self.predictor.round = round_num
        train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
            # pin_memory=True
            # sampler=torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler(dataset, shuffle=False)
        # val_loader = self.datamodule.val_dataloader()

        # Fit the model
            # val_dataloaders=val_loader
        checkpoint_callback = next(
            (cb for cb in self.trainer.callbacks if isinstance(cb, ModelCheckpoint)),

        if checkpoint_callback:
            checkpoint_path = checkpoint_callback.best_model_path
            self.predictor_ckpt = checkpoint_path

        self.loggers[0].experiment.log({"checkpoint": self.predictor_ckpt})
        return self.predictor_ckpt

Where the trainer is setup as the following:

def setup_lightning_trainer_pytorch_lightning_callbacks(
    cfg: DictConfig, lightning_module, logger, round_num
) -> pl.Trainer:
    # must remain here to avoid circular import
    # we have this function in order to create a lightning pytorch checkpoint callback
    from utils import log_hyperparameters, instantiate_callbacks

    # Retrieve the number of GPUs from the configuration
    num_gpus = cfg.trainer.get("devices", 2)  # Default to 2 if not specified

    # Create a list of torch.device objects
    parallel_devices = [torch.device(f'cuda:{i}') for i in range(num_gpus)]

    log.info("Instantiating callbacks...")
    checkpoint_cfg = cfg.callbacks.ray_checkpoint
    num_to_keep = checkpoint_cfg.num_to_keep
    monitor = f"{round_num}/{checkpoint_cfg.monitor}"
    mode = checkpoint_cfg.mode
    check_val_every_n_epoch = checkpoint_cfg.check_val_every_n_epoch
    dirpath = checkpoint_cfg.checkpoint_path + f"{hash(cfg)}/"
    filename = f"round={round_num}-" + "{epoch}"
    os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True)
    checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(

    ############# SET TRAINER ###############
    trainer = Trainer(
        max_epochs=cfg.trainer.get("max_epochs", 10),
        devices=cfg.trainer.get("devices", "auto"),
        accelerator=cfg.trainer.get("accelerator", "auto"),
        limit_train_batches=cfg.trainer.get("limit_train_batches", None),
        log_every_n_steps=1,  # TODO: figure out if this is needed + hydra argument

    trainer = ray.train.lightning.prepare_trainer(trainer)

    # TODO: set what we want to log at setup, e.g. experiment name
    if logger:
        log.info("Logging hyperparameters!")
        log_hyperparameters(cfg, lightning_module, trainer)

    return trainer

I am not sure whether this is clear so will appreciate any comment!

If you print os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES") do you see 2 GPUs are assigned?

If so, it is likely the lightning trainer doesn’t support using 2 GPUs from 1 worker. The normal paradigm in torch world is using 1 worker per 1 gpu, and likely the lightning trainer is also designed that way.

can you try starting 2 ray actors using 1 gpu each and see if the same issue occurs?

Thanks for your help!

When I print I do see 2 visible devices. If I spin up two actors, I don’t really understand how will they work together on training the model? The way I see it is that I spin up an actor so my training will be consistent throughout my operation. I set up my training function and the models in the actor class.

Do you use ray train? Get Started with Distributed Training using PyTorch Lightning — Ray 3.0.0.dev0

If so, you can use ScalingConfig, and this will handle starting 2 actors