Problem with FastAPI's Background Tasks

I would like to make a request, which starts a process and returns before waiting until the started process is finished. With FastAPI it’s possible to archive this with background tasks:

app = FastAPI()

def long_process(id: str):
    print(f"{id} has been processed.")

async def test_bgtask(background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    background_tasks.add_task(long_process, "1234")
    return {"response before finish processing"}

if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=8000)

If I combine FastAPI with Ray Serve then it didn’t worked. Here the response waits for the background task:

app = FastAPI()

def long_process(id: str):
    print(f"{id} has been processed.")

async def test_bgtask(background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    background_tasks.add_task(long_process, "1234")
    return {"response before finish processing"}

class FastAPIWrapper:
print("send request")
resp = requests.get("http://localhost:8000/")

Any idea how I can archive it?

@Alpe6825 what was the behavior you observed when using the Ray Serve version?

resp will be returned after 10s.

I see, and what if you try:

async def long_process(id: str):
    await asyncio.sleep(10)
    print(f"{id} has been processed.")


(maybe it’s related to the event loop blocking)

nothing changed. resp will be returned after 10s again.

But I found a little workaround when I don’t use ray serve but FastAPI and RayCore. Instead of a FastAPI Background task I use a ray task like this

def long_process(id: str):
    print(f"{id} has been processed.")

async def test_bgtask():
    return {"response before finish processing"}

I found this workaround here.

@eoakes Do you think this workaround has any disadvantages in comparison to ray serve?