Placement Group is created but demand is pending

We are running ray 2.9.2 on K8s.
We scheduled this placement group that contains 2 bundles on a deployment. And from ray list placement-groups it looks like the placement-group is already created.

-   placement_group_id: 9b504ae1b1d536d1e9c2242d5d5801000000
    name: SERVE_REPLICA::vllm-playground-2#VLLMDeployment:Meta--Llama-2-7b-chat-hf#mWisbK
    creator_job_id: '01000000'
    state: CREATED
    -   bundle_id:
            placement_group_id: 9b504ae1b1d536d1e9c2242d5d5801000000
            bundle_index: 0
            accelerator_type_g5_2xl: 0.01
            GPU: 1.0
            CPU: 1.0
        node_id: 6695428f77f9796c5fca6c564674a849724269a7c951389cf97d6de5
    -   bundle_id:
            placement_group_id: 9b504ae1b1d536d1e9c2242d5d5801000000
            bundle_index: 1
            accelerator_type_g5_2xl: 0.01
            GPU: 1.0
            CPU: 2.0
        node_id: 848f42d243f2175b7ed8319a2d25679b377ccf47c937d4730ec2ae21
    is_detached: true

But in the ray status, looks like the demand is pending being allocated to the second bundle.

 {'CPU': 2.0, 'GPU': 1.0, 'accelerator_type_g5_2xl': 0.01}: 1+ pending tasks/actors (1+ using placement groups)

I am wondering how we can better debug this?