How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
- Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.
Hi, I have an environment with space like this:
self.observation_space = spaces.Dict({
'RNN':spaces.Box(low= -1 * 10**10,high = 10**10, shape = (RNN.shape[1],)),
"CNN": spaces.Box(low=-1 * 10 ** 10, high=10 ** 10, shape=(9,lookback+1,lookback+1), dtype=np.float32)})
so based on my understandings on seq_lens
a simple RNN case training is like this:
suppose we have : seq_lens = 5, batch size = 100 , mini batch size = 4 , mini batch iteration = 10 and shuffle = TRUE, then training is like this:
so my question is what should be training look like for my above observation space?
the model is like below:
Here, the problem is CNN part doesn’t need sequential learning but the LSTM part does.
how can I handle this with RLlib? should I subclass
for my whole model or just LSTM part?thank you