[Low] How to increase the number of workers for a controller or proxy service?

I just tried deploying 2 models on 2 nodes. Then I did load testing on both models at the same time.

I noticed that individually one of the models was giving about 178 RPS. But when I test both models at the same time, the RPS drops down.


from io import BytesIO

import numpy as np
import ray
import torch
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import Response
from PIL import Image
from ray import serve
from ray.runtime_env import RuntimeEnv
from ray.serve.handle import DeploymentHandle

app = FastAPI()

class APIIngressOD:
    def __init__(self, object_detection_handle) -> None:
        self.handle: DeploymentHandle = object_detection_handle.options(

        responses={200: {"content": {"image/jpeg": {}}}},
    async def detect(self, image_url: str):
        image = await self.handle.detect.remote(image_url)
        file_stream = BytesIO()
        image.save(file_stream, "jpeg")
        return Response(content=file_stream.getvalue(), media_type="image/jpeg")

    ray_actor_options={"num_gpus": 0.25},
    autoscaling_config={"min_replicas": 2, "max_replicas": 4, "downscale_delay_s": 60},
class ObjectDetection:
    def __init__(self):
        self.model = torch.hub.load("ultralytics/yolov5", "yolov5s")

    @serve.batch(max_batch_size=3, batch_wait_timeout_s=0.1)
    def _infer_batch(self, requests):

    def detect(self, image_url: str):
        result_im = self.model(image_url)
        return Image.fromarray(result_im.render()[0].astype(np.uint8))

app = APIIngressOD.bind(ObjectDetection.bind())
serve.run(app, name="object_detection", route_prefix="/detect")


import ray
import torch
from fastapi import FastAPI
from ray import serve
from ray.runtime_env import RuntimeEnv
from ray.serve.handle import DeploymentHandle
from transformers import pipeline

app = FastAPI()

class APIIngress:
    def __init__(self, distilbert_model_handle) -> None:
        self.handle: DeploymentHandle = distilbert_model_handle.options(

    async def classify(self, sentence: str):
        return await self.handle.classify.remote(sentence)

    ray_actor_options={"num_gpus": 0.70},
    autoscaling_config={"min_replicas": 1, "max_replicas": 2},
class DistilBertModel:
    def __init__(self):
        self.classifier = pipeline(

    def classify(self, sentence: str):
        return self.classifier(sentence)

app = APIIngress.bind(DistilBertModel.bind())
serve.run(app, name="classification", route_prefix="/classify")


from locust import HttpUser, task

class WebsiteUser(HttpUser):
    def detect(self):
        image_url = "https://ultralytics.com/images/zidane.jpg"

    def classify(self):
        prompt = "This was a masterpiece. Not completely faithful to the books, but enthralling from beginning to end. Might be my favorite of the three."
        input = "%20".join(prompt.split(" "))

Running the test #1

RAY_ADDRESS='' ray job submit --working-dir . -- python model1.py 
RAY_ADDRESS='' ray job submit --working-dir . -- python model2.py
python -m locust -f load_test.py


Running the test #2
Same settings

Can you tell me if it is possible to increase the number of workers for the controller or proxy service? Or how to solve this problem?

But when I test both models at the same time, the RPS drops down.

To clarify– when you say both models, do you mean both Serve applications? So you’re running both Serve applications on the same cluster, and you notice the RPS goes down?

A couple things that you can try on the model side–

  • It looks like the ObjectDetection class’s detect method is a long synchronous method (takes 3500 ms on average according to the Locust results). Whenever it executes, it blocks the event loop in the ObjectDetection replica for that long. I’d recommend running the model in a background thread using loop.run_in_executor to avoid blocking the event loop.

  • Both ObjectDetection and DistilBertModel use GPUs. Could you check to see if they’re sharing the same GPU? Typically GPUs support multiple processes concurrently by time sharing. One process runs for a bit, and then the next, and then the next, and so on. Could you confirm whether this impacting the performance?

Can you tell me if it is possible to increase the number of workers for the controller or proxy service? Or how to solve this problem?

I’m skeptical that the controller is affecting this. Requests don’t enter the controller, so it shouldn’t be a bottleneck. At the moment, the only way to scale up the proxy is to add more nodes. Each node runs a proxy actor by default.

Actually, I think the root cause is the load test itself. Each Locust worker will pick a random WebsiteUser task to run in each iteration. Since no weights were specified for either task, each task gets run ~50% of the time. That means the classify task will be run much less frequently since the Locust workers have to wait so long to finish each detect task.

I’d recommend either changing the weights (see this Locust doc for an example), or running two different HttpUsers with each one running only one of the tasks repeatedly.